Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Johnny sweep the leg update and more

well, it turns out my friend Liz who, if you read below has wanted to meet johnny sweept the leg/billy zapka from karate kid her whole life and I finally introduced the two and they partied all night on saturday. well the story continues, turns out, Liz and my roomate stacey went to a party after the first party on saturday night and at the 2nd party there was a guy there dressed as... BILLY ZAPKA/JOHNNY SWEEP THE LEG!! that's hilarious. for those of you who don't know on sunday morning, i went to vegas for about 20 hours for a party thrown by a friend of mine at Pure at caesars. So I was up all night on sunday until 4 am drinking and dancing and then had to get up at 6am to catch a flight back to LA. You can't even imagine the shape I was in at work yesterday. I ran into one of my co-workers in the boarding area and i don't even really remember talking to him, i was a total mess. thankfully we got off of work early and I went home and slept the afternoon away. Will, the guy I've been kinda dating left for mexico today and I was hoping to get a chance to see him last night before he left, but I had to call and be like, i'm in so much pain, tonight ain't gonna happen!

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