my brother has so wonderfully (read: totally freaking embarrassingly) reminded me of 2 of my 80s crushes. Just so you all know, i had no intenion of putting these two on my list because i think this info is on par with memories of your drunken uncle touching you innappropraitely at christmas that you try to repress. Here is his email where he does detail my 2 crushes that were inexplicably totally real, not exaggerated. and believe me, my family does not let me forget the first one!!! take it away Dan.
Your first TV crush was Tony Randall (Ha, Ha) who appeared in the
comedy series "Love Sidney" which ran from 1981 to 1983.
"Love Sidney" ran at the start of the 80's, but at the very end of the
80's you had a big t.v. crush on someone who appeared in a series that
also had the word "LOVE" in it.
Now, there are 6 degress of separation between your first TV Love (Tony
Randall) and your end of the 80's TV Love:
1. Tony Randall played Felix Ungar in the t.v. version of "The Odd
2. The role of Felix Ungar was played by Jack Lemmon in the 1968 movie
of "The Odd Couple."
3. Jack Lemmon co-stared with Tony Curtis in the 1959 movie "Some Like
It Hot"
4. Tony Curtis' daughter is Jamie Lee Curtis
5. Jamie Lee Curtis stared in a t.v. series called "Anything But Love"
that ran from 1989-1992.
6. The other co-star in "Anything But Love" was none other than
Sarah's late 80s t.v. crush........
Don't know what's sadder...That I came up with that series of
connections in under a minute or that your first crush was Tony Randall.
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