Monday, March 13, 2006

j. netics

so i worked out again at the j netics place in the valley where you do it for 30 mins and it's so intense and insane. so i'm there and who walks in, sheila e, i guess she's some sort of famous singer from the 80s and she's slim and built. i just googled her and she didn't used to look that way. anyway, also working out is this tv star from the UPN, his nameis Flex and he's on some show called, i think one on one anyway, he worked out with the owner J and i worked out with his wife who wasn't in that good of shape, which was actually good cause the teacher couldn't push us that hard hehehehe. then erica and i went to see the worst movie ever made and concieved. it's called Aquamarine and it's about a fucking mermaid. now i saw splash and llooovvveeed that movie, but this one is so so so so so so so so so bad. so bad! don't see it, i'm sure none of you had even thought you might. erica made me, or she suggested it at least and i was like, why not, ihave nothing to do today except avoid writing.

1 comment:

Suzy "We Rule This School" Byrne said...

that movie has julia roberts's niece in it, emma. have you ever used a personal trainer? or is that what this is? i want a personal trainer. i need a personal trainer