i need to find meaning in my life... it's quite bleak
no no, im not depressed again, it's just that I have no place to live, no job and no boyfriend/kids etc. It's really... horrid. But I guess they say, it's darkest before dawn.
And it's not that I just don't have a place to live, i'm trying desperately to move out, I've called 8 fucking places and only one of those places has called back?! huh? what's the point of listing your place if you're not wanting a tenant?
hopefully dawn is right around the corner! it really really needs to be. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying i have it the worst in the world, I'm not in darfur or new jersey (i hate NJ) but I think right now on may 30th 2007, I do have it pretty bad compared to what Ive had in the past. Contrary to what I'm lamenting about, I am not that bummed about my current situation, which is strange, you'd think I would be...
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
the actor's girlfriend is crazy and so annoying and rather stupid.
friday night i had a few people over like 8 to play cards, drink beer and watch TV at my hosue while the actor and his gf were out of town. It was mostlty my girlfriends liz and berna and rachel, kate, etc. so we hang out, play cards, drink and then go home early cause they came over at like 630 in the evening.
so the roomates come home last night, i'm at a movie, i get in around 11:45pm and the gF is sitting there like my parents and the first thing out of her mouth was "did you have a party," I said no, i had a few girlfriends over to play cards, then "who went into my room," i said i put the cats in the room and locked the door cause some of my friends smoke and i didn'tw ant the cat escpating. So she keeps saying "will you just tell me who was in our room," and i'm like NO ONE and she says again, just tell me and i'm like I'm sorry i dont know what to tell you, and she's getting all annoyed and she's like you're allowed to have a party... and i'm like it wasn't a party, it was people drinking beer and playing cards, aND she keeps calling it ap arty and did the people in the party go in her room caus the bed is ruffled and i'm like the cats probably ruffled the bed, and she goes into the party and if people at the party went in her room just tel her and i finally say, my friends know what its like for me to live here and they would never touch anything in this house without me signing off on it first. and then she sasy, what does that mean and i say, it just means it's actors house and he has very nice pieces that iw ouldn't get ruined... blah blah, so then i went to bed and then she immediatelly started getting ready for bed, b/c she had stayed up to attack me...
i am just waiting to be kicked out or get an email from bruno.
Those fucking cats were on that bed all weekend. and they run around that house and tear it up and knock stuff over, but if there are beer bottles and pizza boxes in the garbage, i'm the one who did all that stuff.
I am at the writers guilde right now just waiting to hear from the actor via email. thankfully i'll be here are day and then to bootcamp and then home real quick to change and watch the house finale with remi and carrie.
friday night i had a few people over like 8 to play cards, drink beer and watch TV at my hosue while the actor and his gf were out of town. It was mostlty my girlfriends liz and berna and rachel, kate, etc. so we hang out, play cards, drink and then go home early cause they came over at like 630 in the evening.
so the roomates come home last night, i'm at a movie, i get in around 11:45pm and the gF is sitting there like my parents and the first thing out of her mouth was "did you have a party," I said no, i had a few girlfriends over to play cards, then "who went into my room," i said i put the cats in the room and locked the door cause some of my friends smoke and i didn'tw ant the cat escpating. So she keeps saying "will you just tell me who was in our room," and i'm like NO ONE and she says again, just tell me and i'm like I'm sorry i dont know what to tell you, and she's getting all annoyed and she's like you're allowed to have a party... and i'm like it wasn't a party, it was people drinking beer and playing cards, aND she keeps calling it ap arty and did the people in the party go in her room caus the bed is ruffled and i'm like the cats probably ruffled the bed, and she goes into the party and if people at the party went in her room just tel her and i finally say, my friends know what its like for me to live here and they would never touch anything in this house without me signing off on it first. and then she sasy, what does that mean and i say, it just means it's actors house and he has very nice pieces that iw ouldn't get ruined... blah blah, so then i went to bed and then she immediatelly started getting ready for bed, b/c she had stayed up to attack me...
i am just waiting to be kicked out or get an email from bruno.
Those fucking cats were on that bed all weekend. and they run around that house and tear it up and knock stuff over, but if there are beer bottles and pizza boxes in the garbage, i'm the one who did all that stuff.
I am at the writers guilde right now just waiting to hear from the actor via email. thankfully i'll be here are day and then to bootcamp and then home real quick to change and watch the house finale with remi and carrie.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
it has come to my attention that my parents, or my dad at least thinks that me not getting hired on a show is my fault... why i think this? I got an email from him yesterday with only this link.
it's an article about your professinal image. so i wrote to him saying "why are you sending me a link about a professional image makeover?" to which he replied this:
During her trial the court asked Joan of Arc if she was in the State of Grace. They planned to trick her. If she said that she was not, she would be a self-confessed sinner deserving of punishment. If she said that she was in the State of Grace they were going to condemn her for pride and arrogance. Her answer was " If I am in the State of Grace, I pray that God keeps me there. If I am not in the State of Grace, I pray that God takes me there".
If your professional image is up to speed, may it stay up to speed. If it is not, may it get up to speed. Let me not be the one to judge. Since you recently did a relaunch (I realize this was a personal, not a professinal relaunch) I thought that this may be of interest.
it's an article about your professinal image. so i wrote to him saying "why are you sending me a link about a professional image makeover?" to which he replied this:
During her trial the court asked Joan of Arc if she was in the State of Grace. They planned to trick her. If she said that she was not, she would be a self-confessed sinner deserving of punishment. If she said that she was in the State of Grace they were going to condemn her for pride and arrogance. Her answer was " If I am in the State of Grace, I pray that God keeps me there. If I am not in the State of Grace, I pray that God takes me there".
If your professional image is up to speed, may it stay up to speed. If it is not, may it get up to speed. Let me not be the one to judge. Since you recently did a relaunch (I realize this was a personal, not a professinal relaunch) I thought that this may be of interest.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
yesterday i barely ate just to be able to eat a ton at my friend carrie's for the finale of american idol. She made turkey meatball subs.... oh yummy, i'm serioulsy still full.
i have to work tonight, but hope to have time to stop by and seen the results show and eat some more turky yumminess, tonight's menu: turkey and bean chili.
yesteday i met over at disney, i guess the guy didn't like me cause my agent said there were some spots still avail on some of their shows, only to find out after the meeting there arent any avail, that's agent code for: he didnt like you so instead of me saying that, i'll just lie and say there was no shot on the shows anyway (shows that he told me earlier in the day were shots.) FUCK THIS INDUSTRY
talked to my nike friend who told me about a few options within her company, woo hoo that would be cool to move up to portland and work for Nike, shit i wear all their stuff anyway! wouldn't neve have to change my wardrobe.
i'm totally obsessed with stephen fry who used to be comedy partners with hugh laurie AKA house who i used to be obsessed with, but now i'm more obsessed with stephen, he's the one who did the bipolar documentary i told you guys about. anyway, he's in this new show over in the UK called kingdom, and i download the eps from somewhere every monday and watch them, and i have loved all of them, all 5 of them, the problem is the shows over there only go for 6 fucking episodes, so the seaosn is over just like that, what rot!
anyway, i'm on youtube daily to find stephen fry stuff, it's a little insane b/c im' totally cyber stalking him.
meanwhile, my old crush hugh laurie (who is still my crush, lets be honest) recieved some award from the queen today, as in the queen of england people, I have to say I have really great taste in men, high quality people I crush on!
i have to work tonight, but hope to have time to stop by and seen the results show and eat some more turky yumminess, tonight's menu: turkey and bean chili.
yesteday i met over at disney, i guess the guy didn't like me cause my agent said there were some spots still avail on some of their shows, only to find out after the meeting there arent any avail, that's agent code for: he didnt like you so instead of me saying that, i'll just lie and say there was no shot on the shows anyway (shows that he told me earlier in the day were shots.) FUCK THIS INDUSTRY
talked to my nike friend who told me about a few options within her company, woo hoo that would be cool to move up to portland and work for Nike, shit i wear all their stuff anyway! wouldn't neve have to change my wardrobe.
i'm totally obsessed with stephen fry who used to be comedy partners with hugh laurie AKA house who i used to be obsessed with, but now i'm more obsessed with stephen, he's the one who did the bipolar documentary i told you guys about. anyway, he's in this new show over in the UK called kingdom, and i download the eps from somewhere every monday and watch them, and i have loved all of them, all 5 of them, the problem is the shows over there only go for 6 fucking episodes, so the seaosn is over just like that, what rot!
anyway, i'm on youtube daily to find stephen fry stuff, it's a little insane b/c im' totally cyber stalking him.
meanwhile, my old crush hugh laurie (who is still my crush, lets be honest) recieved some award from the queen today, as in the queen of england people, I have to say I have really great taste in men, high quality people I crush on!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I am crazy busy and stressed this week. got a lot of work to do and i have a bunch of meetings for a variety of things. Shout out to stacey who has called me a few times, I'm gonna call you back after thurs. I swear!
No House on tonight, pushed the finale until next week cause of american idol. I'm heading to carrie's tonight for the AI finale, she's make turkey meatball sub sammys, I made stromboli last week!
I hate both finalists, melinda was my person, FUCK AMERICA! for voting her off.
No House on tonight, pushed the finale until next week cause of american idol. I'm heading to carrie's tonight for the AI finale, she's make turkey meatball sub sammys, I made stromboli last week!
I hate both finalists, melinda was my person, FUCK AMERICA! for voting her off.
Monday, May 21, 2007
the post it fairy
day bed
so i wrote this whole post last night and then my computer shut off, it's been doing that a lot lately, cannot be a good sign, right?
anyway, the actor roomate got this mostrosity day bed the other day. It's currently sitting outside my bathroom and when I asked him where they were going to display said day bed, he said it's going to be where the pool table is now standing. the pool table for those of you who dont know resides in the middle of this random downstairs room that no one goes to excpet me b/c my bathroom is down there. many of you have seen my place so know exactly where I'm talking about.
anyway, see the pic of this "day bed" that apparently "was a big hit" at the party they had at my house last night. oh did I not tell you,they had a party and didn't invite me, and they knew it was my birthday!

so see the picture of the day bed and then i have a picture of the room it's going in and buried under neath all the crap is the pool table in the middle of the room the other pic.
so this morning I was coming down and the actor was coming from downstairs with a blanket, i think he slept on the day bed or something, sometimes he gets up really early and relocates to the couch or now the atrotious day bed...
anyway, the actor roomate got this mostrosity day bed the other day. It's currently sitting outside my bathroom and when I asked him where they were going to display said day bed, he said it's going to be where the pool table is now standing. the pool table for those of you who dont know resides in the middle of this random downstairs room that no one goes to excpet me b/c my bathroom is down there. many of you have seen my place so know exactly where I'm talking about.
anyway, see the pic of this "day bed" that apparently "was a big hit" at the party they had at my house last night. oh did I not tell you,they had a party and didn't invite me, and they knew it was my birthday!
so see the picture of the day bed and then i have a picture of the room it's going in and buried under neath all the crap is the pool table in the middle of the room the other pic.
so this morning I was coming down and the actor was coming from downstairs with a blanket, i think he slept on the day bed or something, sometimes he gets up really early and relocates to the couch or now the atrotious day bed...
Friday, May 18, 2007
I spoke with one of the agents just now and of the 2 shows I was still in the running for...
1. the head writer for one show has passed on me which sucks taht would've brought me back to NYC. why do i even dream?
2. the other show is probably going to hire these 2 guys she already has in mind. A woman head writer hiring male writers, i'm glad we're looking out for our own in 2007.
great way to start my birthday weekend... surrender hope all ye who enter...
1. the head writer for one show has passed on me which sucks taht would've brought me back to NYC. why do i even dream?
2. the other show is probably going to hire these 2 guys she already has in mind. A woman head writer hiring male writers, i'm glad we're looking out for our own in 2007.
great way to start my birthday weekend... surrender hope all ye who enter...
I'm blue
I'm feeling a little blue today. Not sure why. However, I will mark it down on my mood chart. Oh yes, I just started a mood chart. I saw a special on manic depressives and this lady had a very complicated mood chart, so I downloaded one from the internets (as GW bush calls it), yes they really do have everything on the web. I am not manic depressive, but thought tracking my moods will be a good way to pass the time until i die seeing as God CLEARLY doesn't want me to have a family or a job, I figured this will be how I spend my days.
I realized watching this doc, which is so freaking good if you see it, by my gay, english boyfriend Stephen Fry, that all these manic depressives get to be high energy and manic while also being depresed. I on the other hand for those of you who have been reading this thing over the past year, know I only get depressed. I feel cheated. However, i do not envy these people, so dont get me wrong. I'd rather be only depressed than have to do deal with both... that's what I'm saying
anyway, i lost weight at weight watchers this week, 2.5 pounds so that's a good newsy sort of thing. going to the spa on sunday (my birthday) woo hoo and might have sushi tonight.
I realized watching this doc, which is so freaking good if you see it, by my gay, english boyfriend Stephen Fry, that all these manic depressives get to be high energy and manic while also being depresed. I on the other hand for those of you who have been reading this thing over the past year, know I only get depressed. I feel cheated. However, i do not envy these people, so dont get me wrong. I'd rather be only depressed than have to do deal with both... that's what I'm saying
anyway, i lost weight at weight watchers this week, 2.5 pounds so that's a good newsy sort of thing. going to the spa on sunday (my birthday) woo hoo and might have sushi tonight.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
my roomate is an actor. he's been the lead in a NBC sitcom and was most recently on a cable show...
he's gross. TOnight I walked to my room (by his bathroom) and he was sitting on the can with the door half open... like pants around the ankles reading a magazine on the can.
his fiancee does this also, she'll get in the shower and leave the main bathroom door open. I fucking hate these people.
he's gross. TOnight I walked to my room (by his bathroom) and he was sitting on the can with the door half open... like pants around the ankles reading a magazine on the can.
his fiancee does this also, she'll get in the shower and leave the main bathroom door open. I fucking hate these people.
so please right now, even if you're not religious, google St. Jude, the Patron Saint of Impossible things and say his prayer for me!!! I BEG OF THEE! It works, but I need you guys do help me!
also on sat. night i got drunk and tried to convince my friends to make me a burger so I could re-create the Drunken David Hasselhoff video, I wanted to transcribe the video and do the entire thing start to finish! Hilarious.
Now please pray for me!
so please right now, even if you're not religious, google St. Jude, the Patron Saint of Impossible things and say his prayer for me!!! I BEG OF THEE! It works, but I need you guys do help me!
also on sat. night i got drunk and tried to convince my friends to make me a burger so I could re-create the Drunken David Hasselhoff video, I wanted to transcribe the video and do the entire thing start to finish! Hilarious.
Now please pray for me!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
pissing off my roomate
I know what really pisses off my roomate, the guy who owns my place, losing money. He is the cheapest man i have ever met, EVER. he alwasy talks about money, how much things cost, how much he's made/making etc. it's really the only thing he ever speask about. THe only time he tells me something, it has to do with a story about him and his acct. and money making schemes. so he's annoyed to me so much that I'm going to hit him where it hurts, his wallet.
about 2 weeks ago I started to wash everything i own. I do not pay utilities here so before I move out next month I want everything i own to be clean. EVERYTHING. Last night I did about 6 loads of laundry, maybe 7. 2 weeks ago I did about 10. Every sheet, towel, t-shirt I plan to bring to my new place to be used as a dust rag... all being washed. somethings i will re-wash before I leave, just to jack up the price of his hot water/gas and water bill. I've also started making long distance phone calls from my home phone whihc he also pays for, but when we signed up the phone, he wouldn't pay for long distance... all the more reason to make long distance calls from there at a higher rate... all these bills will come in after i've mooved INSERT EVIL LAUGH HERE!
about 2 weeks ago I started to wash everything i own. I do not pay utilities here so before I move out next month I want everything i own to be clean. EVERYTHING. Last night I did about 6 loads of laundry, maybe 7. 2 weeks ago I did about 10. Every sheet, towel, t-shirt I plan to bring to my new place to be used as a dust rag... all being washed. somethings i will re-wash before I leave, just to jack up the price of his hot water/gas and water bill. I've also started making long distance phone calls from my home phone whihc he also pays for, but when we signed up the phone, he wouldn't pay for long distance... all the more reason to make long distance calls from there at a higher rate... all these bills will come in after i've mooved INSERT EVIL LAUGH HERE!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
okay so i wrote the othe day about my fucking crazy roomates and their emails. here's the full exchange of the cake cutter/spatula debate. i will upload the actual offensive cake cutter i used and you tell me i fyou think it looks like a spatula.
Original Roomate email Today she pointed out that used an (expensive) cake cutter to make eggs with, using it as a spatula. I need you to be more careful with this, please.
my reply Sorry about the cake cutter, it looks like a spatula, I honestly didn't know the difference.
his reply the cake cutter is about 3 inches shorter than a spatula (as it's not made to keep hands safe from burning oil), and more visibly, it has serrated edges used for cutting. It kind of resembles a spatula... but they don't look alike.
um.. it kind of resembles a spatula, but they don't look alike? that doens't make sense. I'm waiting for the roomates to get out of the kitchen to go take a picture of the cake cutter I used that looks EXACTLY like a spatula.
Original Roomate email Today she pointed out that used an (expensive) cake cutter to make eggs with, using it as a spatula. I need you to be more careful with this, please.
my reply Sorry about the cake cutter, it looks like a spatula, I honestly didn't know the difference.
his reply the cake cutter is about 3 inches shorter than a spatula (as it's not made to keep hands safe from burning oil), and more visibly, it has serrated edges used for cutting. It kind of resembles a spatula... but they don't look alike.
um.. it kind of resembles a spatula, but they don't look alike? that doens't make sense. I'm waiting for the roomates to get out of the kitchen to go take a picture of the cake cutter I used that looks EXACTLY like a spatula.
Friday, May 11, 2007
the past few days have been crayz, i have had meetings and fights with my stupid self absorbed roomate who taught me the difference between a cake cutter and a spatula, i checked out an apt in brentwood, but didn't love it and it comes with a roomate and don't want that def. now for sure.
i'm stressed about a job, about a place to live and about finding a boy, it must be may, that's when al this bullshit comes to a head every year.
I told actor roomie about how bad spiderman was and he said that the 3rd of everything it always bad like how he was on the 3rd season of a hit show and it sucked after the first 2 seasons were critically acclaimed. yup, it's all about him!!!
next weeekend is my bday and i'm going to the spa and going to tell any of my friends to join and i'm going to bring yummy cake!! haven't made the plans yet, but in my head this is happening!
i really need a vacation!
i'm stressed about a job, about a place to live and about finding a boy, it must be may, that's when al this bullshit comes to a head every year.
I told actor roomie about how bad spiderman was and he said that the 3rd of everything it always bad like how he was on the 3rd season of a hit show and it sucked after the first 2 seasons were critically acclaimed. yup, it's all about him!!!
next weeekend is my bday and i'm going to the spa and going to tell any of my friends to join and i'm going to bring yummy cake!! haven't made the plans yet, but in my head this is happening!
i really need a vacation!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
i hate my roomates, i hate them.
this is ongooing. but this is the email I got from him today.
Girlfriend (no name for anonimity) has been pointing out to me a lot of crusty dishes and utensils that are getting put back in the shelves. Some of them I know are yours. Today she pointed out that used an (expensive) cake cutter to make eggs with, using it as a spatula. I need you to be more careful with this, please. I want you to inspect the dishes you put back.
i eat at the house like once a fucking week. and who the fuck can tell the difference between a spatula and a cake cutter?
this is ongooing. but this is the email I got from him today.
Girlfriend (no name for anonimity) has been pointing out to me a lot of crusty dishes and utensils that are getting put back in the shelves. Some of them I know are yours. Today she pointed out that used an (expensive) cake cutter to make eggs with, using it as a spatula. I need you to be more careful with this, please. I want you to inspect the dishes you put back.
i eat at the house like once a fucking week. and who the fuck can tell the difference between a spatula and a cake cutter?
Thursday, May 03, 2007
last night I went to remi and carrie's for remi's birthday party... i need more time than i have right now to really write what took place, but I'll give you a tease:
remi and carrie take pole dancing classes. for her b-day, carrie got remi a pole installed in the middle of the apartemtn. suffice it to say, pole dancing ensued, yours truly took a whirl but my jeans were too tight to really pull off sexy moves... photos to follow... oh yes.
i am writing an hour long pilot right now for my portfolio, these usually run around 60 pages tops, I am now on page 44 and I'm only half way through the script.... so i'm putting my script at around 80 pages... that's going to be a major re-write. I hope to be done by next thurs with a first draft. according to my writing scedule I've mapped out.
remi and carrie take pole dancing classes. for her b-day, carrie got remi a pole installed in the middle of the apartemtn. suffice it to say, pole dancing ensued, yours truly took a whirl but my jeans were too tight to really pull off sexy moves... photos to follow... oh yes.
i am writing an hour long pilot right now for my portfolio, these usually run around 60 pages tops, I am now on page 44 and I'm only half way through the script.... so i'm putting my script at around 80 pages... that's going to be a major re-write. I hope to be done by next thurs with a first draft. according to my writing scedule I've mapped out.
yesterday I went to the gym and after my very hard workout, i was feeling on a high, proud of myself, yeah for me! I go to the gym every day, but i was feeling particularly good. So i cruise into the locker room where I come upon 3 women who are the perfect specimens of the human body, huge tits, blond, slamming body, and they are talking about working out and abs, etc.
This naturally deflates my good feelings of myself.
i am literally staring at these woman thinking i hafe3 never seen women like this before in crunch, (my gym), seriously, it was very strange and i'm like who are they.
well, upon exiting the locker room later, I realize why they are so perfect. THEY ARE PLAYBOY BUNNIES!! yeah, i guess there is some reality show with the playboy bunny girls and when I left the locker room, they were standing with camera and sound people.
Phew! I still feel bad for my body, but not as bad now that i know they're like professional good looking people.
This naturally deflates my good feelings of myself.
i am literally staring at these woman thinking i hafe3 never seen women like this before in crunch, (my gym), seriously, it was very strange and i'm like who are they.
well, upon exiting the locker room later, I realize why they are so perfect. THEY ARE PLAYBOY BUNNIES!! yeah, i guess there is some reality show with the playboy bunny girls and when I left the locker room, they were standing with camera and sound people.
Phew! I still feel bad for my body, but not as bad now that i know they're like professional good looking people.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
not usually my thing
i dont usually post stuff going on in the world, just my world, i am just that selfish.
but i saw this and thought it was interesting. Quite interesting in fact: quite interesting being my new favorite show from england that i watch on youtube and i've put a request for tickets for a taping when i go to london after I get hired on a show later this month.
anyway, i digress here's the list of the top 10 most common passwords
1. password
2. 123456
3. qwerty
4. abc123
5. letmein
6. monkey
7. myspace1
8. password1
9. link182
10. (your first name)
but i saw this and thought it was interesting. Quite interesting in fact: quite interesting being my new favorite show from england that i watch on youtube and i've put a request for tickets for a taping when i go to london after I get hired on a show later this month.
anyway, i digress here's the list of the top 10 most common passwords
1. password
2. 123456
3. qwerty
4. abc123
5. letmein
6. monkey
7. myspace1
8. password1
9. link182
10. (your first name)
my weekends are pretty lame. sad but true. i find myself in my bed watcing DVDs for hours becaus I have nothing to do and no one calls. LAME!
i was picked up at the coffee bean by a nice jewish bloke on sunday morning. his friend told him in hebrew to ask me out, he translated that to me, and then we talked a little, he was very nice, and then his friend told him in hebrew that I should convert. yeah, good luck on that one. of all Catholics you come across, i'm the least likely to convert to any religion!!
but it was nice to be asked... anywho, spent all weekend on my internet dating profile, i went live yesterday, but my photos haven't been approved yet, so i'm still waiting to get some responses11 WOO HOO!
i have 2 meetings this week, i'm hoping more are coming down the pipeline, may begins the staffing season!! I CAN'T BELIEE I MADE IT AN ENTIRE YEAR! I DID IT!!!! i was so fucking freaked at the end of last may thinking i would never make it an entire year without (really) workking, but Thank God I did it! I DID IT! never been prouder of me in my life!!
i was picked up at the coffee bean by a nice jewish bloke on sunday morning. his friend told him in hebrew to ask me out, he translated that to me, and then we talked a little, he was very nice, and then his friend told him in hebrew that I should convert. yeah, good luck on that one. of all Catholics you come across, i'm the least likely to convert to any religion!!
but it was nice to be asked... anywho, spent all weekend on my internet dating profile, i went live yesterday, but my photos haven't been approved yet, so i'm still waiting to get some responses11 WOO HOO!
i have 2 meetings this week, i'm hoping more are coming down the pipeline, may begins the staffing season!! I CAN'T BELIEE I MADE IT AN ENTIRE YEAR! I DID IT!!!! i was so fucking freaked at the end of last may thinking i would never make it an entire year without (really) workking, but Thank God I did it! I DID IT! never been prouder of me in my life!!
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