Tuesday, May 29, 2007

the actor's girlfriend is crazy and so annoying and rather stupid.

friday night i had a few people over like 8 to play cards, drink beer and watch TV at my hosue while the actor and his gf were out of town. It was mostlty my girlfriends liz and berna and rachel, kate, etc. so we hang out, play cards, drink and then go home early cause they came over at like 630 in the evening.

so the roomates come home last night, i'm at a movie, i get in around 11:45pm and the gF is sitting there like my parents and the first thing out of her mouth was "did you have a party," I said no, i had a few girlfriends over to play cards, then "who went into my room," i said i put the cats in the room and locked the door cause some of my friends smoke and i didn'tw ant the cat escpating. So she keeps saying "will you just tell me who was in our room," and i'm like NO ONE and she says again, just tell me and i'm like I'm sorry i dont know what to tell you, and she's getting all annoyed and she's like you're allowed to have a party... and i'm like it wasn't a party, it was people drinking beer and playing cards, aND she keeps calling it ap arty and did the people in the party go in her room caus the bed is ruffled and i'm like the cats probably ruffled the bed, and she goes into the party and if people at the party went in her room just tel her and i finally say, my friends know what its like for me to live here and they would never touch anything in this house without me signing off on it first. and then she sasy, what does that mean and i say, it just means it's actors house and he has very nice pieces that iw ouldn't get ruined... blah blah, so then i went to bed and then she immediatelly started getting ready for bed, b/c she had stayed up to attack me...

i am just waiting to be kicked out or get an email from bruno.

Those fucking cats were on that bed all weekend. and they run around that house and tear it up and knock stuff over, but if there are beer bottles and pizza boxes in the garbage, i'm the one who did all that stuff.

I am at the writers guilde right now just waiting to hear from the actor via email. thankfully i'll be here are day and then to bootcamp and then home real quick to change and watch the house finale with remi and carrie.

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