Wednesday, May 23, 2007

yesterday i barely ate just to be able to eat a ton at my friend carrie's for the finale of american idol. She made turkey meatball subs.... oh yummy, i'm serioulsy still full.

i have to work tonight, but hope to have time to stop by and seen the results show and eat some more turky yumminess, tonight's menu: turkey and bean chili.

yesteday i met over at disney, i guess the guy didn't like me cause my agent said there were some spots still avail on some of their shows, only to find out after the meeting there arent any avail, that's agent code for: he didnt like you so instead of me saying that, i'll just lie and say there was no shot on the shows anyway (shows that he told me earlier in the day were shots.) FUCK THIS INDUSTRY

talked to my nike friend who told me about a few options within her company, woo hoo that would be cool to move up to portland and work for Nike, shit i wear all their stuff anyway! wouldn't neve have to change my wardrobe.

i'm totally obsessed with stephen fry who used to be comedy partners with hugh laurie AKA house who i used to be obsessed with, but now i'm more obsessed with stephen, he's the one who did the bipolar documentary i told you guys about. anyway, he's in this new show over in the UK called kingdom, and i download the eps from somewhere every monday and watch them, and i have loved all of them, all 5 of them, the problem is the shows over there only go for 6 fucking episodes, so the seaosn is over just like that, what rot!

anyway, i'm on youtube daily to find stephen fry stuff, it's a little insane b/c im' totally cyber stalking him.

meanwhile, my old crush hugh laurie (who is still my crush, lets be honest) recieved some award from the queen today, as in the queen of england people, I have to say I have really great taste in men, high quality people I crush on!

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