Wednesday, May 30, 2007

i need to find meaning in my life... it's quite bleak

no no, im not depressed again, it's just that I have no place to live, no job and no boyfriend/kids etc. It's really... horrid. But I guess they say, it's darkest before dawn.

And it's not that I just don't have a place to live, i'm trying desperately to move out, I've called 8 fucking places and only one of those places has called back?! huh? what's the point of listing your place if you're not wanting a tenant?

hopefully dawn is right around the corner! it really really needs to be. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying i have it the worst in the world, I'm not in darfur or new jersey (i hate NJ) but I think right now on may 30th 2007, I do have it pretty bad compared to what Ive had in the past. Contrary to what I'm lamenting about, I am not that bummed about my current situation, which is strange, you'd think I would be...

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