Monday, October 29, 2007

a weekend of signs

I got 2 signs this weekend:

the first one was when i went to go buy beer for the friday night halloween party. I didn't get ID-ed and when I looked at my receipt it said "VERIFICATION BYPASSED"


they no longer needs to verify if i'm over 21. i have dreaded this day. what a harsh way to learn it: verification bypassed seems so cruel.

second sign: Next time be more considerate, ASSHOLE! This was a note i found on my car saturday evening when i came out after an art show. I have the note and am going to take a picture of it. but i checked and i wasn't blocking a driveway or boxing anyone in. I really wish this angry person would've elaborated on my transgression. clearly next time i won't be considerate becuase i dont know what i did wrong.

1 comment:

princess said...

maybe it's a scorned lovah?