quote: maybe it's kinda nice that you don't have a job - my friend who has a job
here's the thing. when you're a writer in hollywood and you don't get staffed on a t.v. show and have to accept the realization that you are now on eof the many unemployed writers in this town, it's a pretty bitter pill to swallow. Since all tv shows staff in may and as you know i did't get a job, i now have to push myself every day to get out of bed and write. I'm a writer, I write. I like to write, i like to sit at my computer in solitude and excercise my brain. this year that i now have off is not going to be fun, i need to generate material that will get me paid, i.e. write a movie which takes about 4-6 months to do depending on your experience. i keep getting over and over comments form people saying "oh, i woudl kill for a year off. THIS ISN'T A YEAR OFF!! this isn't fun or nice or anything. this isn't a sabbatical where i'm going to sell all my belongings and pack a back pack and see the world. I still have bills and i still have rent and i still have my agents calling me asking me for my next script. this might be the most stressful time in my life! (unless i ever have kids, i would imagine that might top this) but they say that losing a job is just as stressful as moving, a death or a divorce. Imagine waking up every day and no one is expecting you to be anywhere. you have to be diciplined to write instead of meeting friends for coffee or going hiking both things you would much much rather do!! It's not nice to think to yourself "hmm, i spend 2 bucks a day on coffee, that's 60 bucks a month, maybe i shouldn't buy coffee since i ain't got no job" i like to spend money on myself, so these things are major roadblocks into doing that. that's my bitter rant for now. my friend amy said she likes bitter blogging sarah
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