Tuesday, June 27, 2006

sorry folks

looks like i've been remiss about posting. Nothing new to report. this weekend, had a few dinners, saw a few movis, skip the movie Click with adam sandler, it blows hard!!! worked out a lot, and pretty much just chilled. My roomate got a new kitten and the other cat is jealous and because my roomate is insane and love psychological drama, he keeps bringing the little kitten out and trying to get the other cat to make nice, but he won't, so the the roomate proceeds to put the kitten back in the room, and lie down with the cat and talk to it like it's a human being telling the cat that he is still his daddy but he's also the daddy of the new kitten, etc etc. you cannot make this stuff up. I caught him doing this on three separate occasions yesterday. he's thinking about putting the cat on medicine to take away his depression. it's a pretty crazy situation i'm witnessing.

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