quote: don't throw up on the warhols... Lauren
this weekend has been insane due to the amount of wine i have consummed. last night I went to my friend Lauren's 30th birthday. she plays on my soccer team. anyway, the address on the evite was in malibu, she's a lawyer, i told my single girlfriends i thought we should go to the party to meet some lawyers!! so we drove a long long way out to malibu, and ended up in this awesome neighborhood, i really think barbra streisand lives near there. so we get to the house, and walk past part of the house to... AN ELEVATOR, that's right, this house has an elevator. we took the elevator down 3 floors to the lower part of the house, you come out of the elevator and into the lower house that is amazing that has 2 levels of decks overlooking the beach and the waves are crashing underneath. did i forget to mention the infinity pool, THIS HOUSE WAS SICK!!! so my friend lauren blows out her candles and says dont throw up on the warhols. and that's when it hits me, all this art are original andy warhols!! like totally amazing art on every space on the walls!! so i'm like who lives here, well, it's lauren's mom and step dad's house.... her step dad is max, as in max factor!! yes, the makeup guy!!! the party was pretty sweet, i got drunk danced to justin timberlake... awesome!!!!
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