Monday, July 31, 2006
that picture is too small
sorry about that picture it's way too small. anyway, yesterday stacey and i went for a 3 mile run and then walked back 3 miles to our car! it was awesome. we ran along the grassy tree filled center divide in the middle of san vicente in brentwood all the way to Ocean blvd that parallels the ocean. I got to the end, went over to the wall that over looks the ocean, climbed up and it just took it all in. the sun was setting and it was beautiful!! what a great way to end the weekend.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
all in
played at a poker tourey at Liz's phat pad in pacific palisades last night. Her place has the most amazing view of the pacific ocean, it's sick. I kicked serious ass in the tourney until we consolidated the remaining players into 2 tables and went ALL IN on a flop against liz cause this flop was shit and i had 2 pair, and i thought since liz has like a million chips she was bluffing, but it turns out she had trip twos and I only had 2 pair and got crushed! It was the biggest pot of the night as i had cleaned up at my last table and was living the high life. I was seduced by highs of gambling.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
the funniest movie in the past 10 years
last night, tim, armena and i headed downtown to check out the Disney Concert Hall. They hadn't seen it and tim is somewhat of a archetectural (HOLY MOLY I CAN'T SPELL) nerd. It's pretty amazing piece of work, actually, designed by Frank Gehry, he also did a similar buiding for the guggenheim in bilbao, spain.
then we headed back to the Grove and had dinner at the farm and took in a film. we saw Little Miss Sunshine, quiet possibly the most real, hilarious movie I have seen EVER! i loved this movie so much that when it was over i wanted it to start replaying again!! GO SEE THIS MOVIE! tim's cousin produced it, but the real reason I saw it was because it was the big hit buzz filled movie at sundance this year. I had no idea what it was about, but b/c of all the buzz i decided to go see it, i'm that easily swayed. GO SEE IT!!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
went to dinner last night at dominicks in beverly hills with tim and armena and stacey and d. warren. haven't seen stacey in 2 months cause she was in toronto working so that was really fun!! d. warren is great and happy and engaged. this group all used to hang out with each other when tim and armena lived here. dominicks has great food and a really great ambience. we were there for like 3 hours just kicking it and catching up. Tyra Banks was at the next table and when we left, Nicole Richie walked out right behind us and hopped in her mercedes black G wagon with a gal pal and sped away. who knew i went to such classy establishments!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

here are pics from the wedding. I'm waiting for my friend amy to send the one of my parents and I. so here's one with amy dancing with the bride's mom. I like this one cause i'm dancing and having a great time with the person next to me and ih ave no idea who that person is. I'm in the red dress BTW. then there's one of all the girl scouts and girl scout leaders. My mom is in the black polka dot dress. that's how we know jenny the bride cause I was a girl scout with her and my mom was one of the GS leaders. then the best picture is me and my fighting over the bouquet which we both caught in a knock down dragged out battle that lasted a bit too long for the patience of those watching this unsually and horribly embarrassing tradition that i love to take part of. i ended up leaving with the bouquet, but here's a pic of amy and i with the bride, LOVE IT!!
thanks stevie nix for these great shots!!
week in nyc
so my time in ny was really fun. jenny's wedding was so nice! although after the ceremony we got in the car and my mother immediately said "i didn't like how jokey the priest was." i guess my mom takes the marriage ceremony thing pretty seriously. Pictures to come. I also hung out wiht my friends BJ and cathy and played with BJ's two kids down at the park on the hudson river. she had 2 kids in one year, 11 months apart, Irish twins, they're both very cute! flew to LA yesterday, sat next to these two women who clearly don't know that when someone has earphones in their ears, they don't want to be bothered and they kept talking to me, even while I was watching my HOUSE dvds for the 100th time. So here's a little lesson: earphones on while on a plane is the universal sign for "keep out." as in keep out of my business!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
why do people say these things?
well, the guy at the amtrak in san diego was rude last week when he said to me "did someone make you mad or do you always look at waym" well on friday night i had another encouter with a guy who works behind the counter. as you know I"m a huge mets fan, while all my other friends (noah and jamie not included) gave up on the mets in the mid ninties and became yankee fans (hmm i wonder why, perhaps b/c of the world championships they won...) but jamie, noah and i remained serious fans. friday night we went to a game and it was the best baseball game i've ever been to. the mets crushed the astros 7-0 and there were 2 home runs including a grand slam and an awesome play at the plate, but i digress. I went to get a diet soda at the food counter and i ordered and it as the guy was filling it up he said "what's wrong with you, why aren't you making eye contact with me?" i was all "waht" and he said that he's supposed to make eye contact with all the customers, but i'm not allowing him to do his job and that means he's not giving me good service. i'm like "dude, I have a lot of my mind BACK OFF" well i didn't really say that, but that's what i was thinking. I was like "sorry, i don't know i'm just out of it" anyway, the game rocked, the only bad part was that i had to sit in the row in front of jamie and noah because that's where my ticket was, but jamie and noah gave me massages throughout the game to make up for it. I love those 2 guys, never laugh more when i'm with anyone else. we have such a great time together. I said "woudn't it be fun if we all lived in the same city." to which i followed up with "wouldn't it be fun if we were all sitting in the same row?"
Friday, July 21, 2006
yesterday i spent the day at the library writing an article i'm doing for anyway, while at my parents local library, i was stunned by how LOUD everyone was. I mean, people talking to each other, to the librarian, cell phones ringing and people answering them and the list goes on and on. since when did libraries become a coffee house where anything goes?!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
dunkin donuts
this morning i wanted dunkin donuts coffee. I needed to take my dad's car to get there, but my dad needed the car at 9am so he told me to leave at 8am to go to dunkin donuts to make sure I got back to the house in time. now understand, dunkin donuts IS 2 MILES AWAY!! but he said "you would not believe the traffic at that hour," so in my passive aggressive way, i get in the car at 8am and drive like a bat out of hell to get to DD and back in 10 mins b.c that's all it should take. And i do it! I'm flying home, it's 8:15, i wanted to prove to my dad that he didn't need to wake me up at 7:30am for this ridiculous hoop jumping, when... I GOT PULLLED OVER AND GOT A TICKET FOR GOING 54 IN A 30!! so i'm sitting there, pulled over in my parents neighborhood, watching the minutes tick by 8:17, 8:22, 8:27 and on and on. I finally get back to my house at 8:35 and my dad was in the shower so he didn't even know when i got back in. WHY DO I DO THESE THINGS TO MYSELF!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
the top 5 things I wish I hadn't recently said
#5 that i thought one of my friend wouldn't make a good mother (i think she may have overheard me)
#4 making fun of this girl who is my stalker really loudly and really drunky while she was nearby.
#3 does my hair look sexy messy or just messy? (my friend's face gave me the answer)
#2 I don't care what we watch (which led to us watching the crucible instead of my fave show Grey's Anatomy)
#1 Are there any single guys on your writing staff besides you? (which came out to sound like I would never be interested in you... which isn't what I was trying to say. i wasn't trying to be mean, it just came out wrong)
#4 making fun of this girl who is my stalker really loudly and really drunky while she was nearby.
#3 does my hair look sexy messy or just messy? (my friend's face gave me the answer)
#2 I don't care what we watch (which led to us watching the crucible instead of my fave show Grey's Anatomy)
#1 Are there any single guys on your writing staff besides you? (which came out to sound like I would never be interested in you... which isn't what I was trying to say. i wasn't trying to be mean, it just came out wrong)
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
leaving on a jet plane
I'm in NY, at my parents house. Left LA this morning. the flight is usually about 4:45 mins, took close to 6, we circled over chicago for an 45 mins so they could re-route us away from storms and then circled over newark airport for another 45 before landing. right now there's a really intense thunder and lightening storm goign on outside my rooom, the lightening is lighting up the sky and it's beautiful. don't get many of those in LA too often. here for a wedding of my good friend Jenny. can't wait.
Monday, July 17, 2006
top five people i want to punch in the face
this weekend, i said the following words so many times my friends became alarmed "God, I want to punch him/her in the face." they're surprised about my recent outbursts of anger so to celebrate my new found anger i bring you a special entry.
top 5 list of people I want to punch in the face
5. the guy at the amtrak station (see next post for explanation)
4. my roomates fiancee who keeps asking me questions about everything when we watch t.v. together. If you don't know who someone is THERE'S A REALLY GOOD CHANCE I DON'T EITHER!!
3. the guy at the gym tonight who used the water fountain that barely spews out water to fill up A HALF GALLON water bottle while I stood behind him, utterly dumbfounded that a 17oz bottle could take over 5 FUCKING MINUTES to fill up! so i start to shift my weight to try and see how big this bottle is that he's been filling up. He finally turns aroudn, catches me all huffy and says sorry and that's wheni see it, the half gallon water bottle... really wanted to punch him in the face.
2. the russian guy who drove me home from the airport last week and yelled at me because I didn't tell him when we left the airport that I had to use a credit card. and I kept apologizing and he kept saying it over and over and i finally said "dude, you don't have to yell at me, this isn't a big deal," to which he replied "you should have told me earlier, my machine doesn't work." turns out if he wants the money bad enough, the machine does work....
1. Myself. When you spend all day every day (during the week) by yourself, you get sick of yourself. there has to be more to life than worrying about the 2 pounds I gained from drinking this weekend. God, i can't stand myself anymore!
top 5 list of people I want to punch in the face
5. the guy at the amtrak station (see next post for explanation)
4. my roomates fiancee who keeps asking me questions about everything when we watch t.v. together. If you don't know who someone is THERE'S A REALLY GOOD CHANCE I DON'T EITHER!!
3. the guy at the gym tonight who used the water fountain that barely spews out water to fill up A HALF GALLON water bottle while I stood behind him, utterly dumbfounded that a 17oz bottle could take over 5 FUCKING MINUTES to fill up! so i start to shift my weight to try and see how big this bottle is that he's been filling up. He finally turns aroudn, catches me all huffy and says sorry and that's wheni see it, the half gallon water bottle... really wanted to punch him in the face.
2. the russian guy who drove me home from the airport last week and yelled at me because I didn't tell him when we left the airport that I had to use a credit card. and I kept apologizing and he kept saying it over and over and i finally said "dude, you don't have to yell at me, this isn't a big deal," to which he replied "you should have told me earlier, my machine doesn't work." turns out if he wants the money bad enough, the machine does work....
1. Myself. When you spend all day every day (during the week) by yourself, you get sick of yourself. there has to be more to life than worrying about the 2 pounds I gained from drinking this weekend. God, i can't stand myself anymore!
quote: "did someone make you mad this morning or do you always look that way?" guy at the amtrak newsstand
I think i always look that way, thank you very much ass hole! yesterday i got up early and headed back to LA with amy who wanted to hurry back to see her baby. i didin't mind leavingSan D. early, it's better to just get up and on the road after 2 days of drinking. the guy in the seat next to ours on the train was filming the landscape and train tracks and was totally a terrorist. I'm not racial profiling, but i guess i am. He also got a phone call and was speaking arabic and FINE HE LOOKED ARABIC TOO!! i said it. anyway, he was filming EVERYTHING even the anaheim angles stadium and the LA buildings and it was so friggin creeepy the way he was doing it. so, hear me now, if anything from the san d to la gets blown up along the train lines, i called it first. i guess we should've reported him, but to who the train conductor who looked more hungover than me? I immediately went out and bought a camera phone (very pink, very fun) so this won't happen again. if on the off chance i'm sitting next to a terrorist on a train, i'll be able to capture a photo of him. (or her, i don't want to be sexist, women can be terrorists too) actually, i'll be honest, my new pink cell phone looks like something mariah carey would own, or at least a 12 year old girl. I just need a few fake diamonds and a couple of hello kitty stickers to decorate it and really complete the look.
I think i always look that way, thank you very much ass hole! yesterday i got up early and headed back to LA with amy who wanted to hurry back to see her baby. i didin't mind leavingSan D. early, it's better to just get up and on the road after 2 days of drinking. the guy in the seat next to ours on the train was filming the landscape and train tracks and was totally a terrorist. I'm not racial profiling, but i guess i am. He also got a phone call and was speaking arabic and FINE HE LOOKED ARABIC TOO!! i said it. anyway, he was filming EVERYTHING even the anaheim angles stadium and the LA buildings and it was so friggin creeepy the way he was doing it. so, hear me now, if anything from the san d to la gets blown up along the train lines, i called it first. i guess we should've reported him, but to who the train conductor who looked more hungover than me? I immediately went out and bought a camera phone (very pink, very fun) so this won't happen again. if on the off chance i'm sitting next to a terrorist on a train, i'll be able to capture a photo of him. (or her, i don't want to be sexist, women can be terrorists too) actually, i'll be honest, my new pink cell phone looks like something mariah carey would own, or at least a 12 year old girl. I just need a few fake diamonds and a couple of hello kitty stickers to decorate it and really complete the look.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
quote: I'm never setting you up again - KC
as you may recall in februaray i was set up with a horrible, horrible first date by my friend KC. go back and read feb. 9 2006 if you must to refresh your memory on how terrible this date was. no chemistry at least from me, at all. I was miserable and hated every minute of it. soooo, this weekend at the bach. party KC was there and it was brought up and we all talked and laughed about it, i guess during bach. weekends everyone talks about love and boyfriends and husbands and in my case, bad dates. so that is when KC says that she's never setting me up again! And she says it like she's punishing me because the guy SHE set me up with and I didn't hit if off. Ok that's not true. apparetnly he's still talking about me and how great I am, I on the other hand am not. so that's the story, she is all mad at me and won't set me up with another guy. How is that fair? so you set a couple up and it doesn't work out so that's it you throw in the towel? that's insane, right? well, maybe i dont want her setting me up again seeing as I have already been set up by her once and it blew!
as you may recall in februaray i was set up with a horrible, horrible first date by my friend KC. go back and read feb. 9 2006 if you must to refresh your memory on how terrible this date was. no chemistry at least from me, at all. I was miserable and hated every minute of it. soooo, this weekend at the bach. party KC was there and it was brought up and we all talked and laughed about it, i guess during bach. weekends everyone talks about love and boyfriends and husbands and in my case, bad dates. so that is when KC says that she's never setting me up again! And she says it like she's punishing me because the guy SHE set me up with and I didn't hit if off. Ok that's not true. apparetnly he's still talking about me and how great I am, I on the other hand am not. so that's the story, she is all mad at me and won't set me up with another guy. How is that fair? so you set a couple up and it doesn't work out so that's it you throw in the towel? that's insane, right? well, maybe i dont want her setting me up again seeing as I have already been set up by her once and it blew!
party time
headed down on the train to san diego with a big group of girls on friday night. we headed down on the train, got a lot of picnic food and drank a ton of wine on the way down. It was really fun. I got loaded on red wine and caught up with all the girsl. it was a really fun group. we got down there and caught pedi cabs to our hotel. pedi cabs are basically guys on bikes who pull a seat behind them. Our pedi cab fit 3 so me, amy and bernadette hoped in and it turns out the guy was deaf. Now having been deaf a few weeks ago for 16 hours, i thought this bonded us in some way and tried to tell him as much, but like i said he was deaf and his back was turned toward us. anyway, this guy totally misjudged how much weight we were going to be and was really really really struggling, sweating gasping pushing to get us to the hotel. It's not his fault, my bag alone probably weighed 80 pounds and i'm not the smallest girl on the planet, add to that another girl and another girl and 2 more girl bags. our friends monique and casey walked and beat us there. this poor pedi cab driver, i've never felt worse in my life for anyone. but we couldn't be like see ya, you're not strong enough to carry our fat asses. we felt bad. the gossip of the night was that we all think mon. might be preggers b/c she wasn't drinking... we were all drunk and talking about it all night in between doing shots and dancing to justin timberlake, it was a pretty great night. ihad to carry berna back to the hotel, she could barely stand and we went to her room and we all sat up, ordered pizza and mozerella sticks and had an awesome, very college like night!!
Friday, July 14, 2006
last night i went to the farmers market for the weekly thursday night party there. I saw the guy from the office who plays toby the HR guy, it was a strange thing meeting him, I got this sudden urge to want to kick his ass. strange, right? he just looks like a guy who's ass I could kick and for some reason the thought actually crossed my mind. I hadn't been drinking, but did eat a lot of icing off a birthday cake so perhap i was on a sugar high mixed with a endorphin high as I had just been at the gym prior to my arrival. am i wrong? doenst he look like a guy you want to beat up? please say yes or else there is something really wrong with me! heading to san diego today for my friend bernadette's bachelorette party. a big group of us are taking the train down, can't wait!!!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
espy awards
my nike friend was in town for the past few days for the espy awards and i craahed at her hotel and ordered room service and hung out by the pool. we got drinks at the bar and i was totally buzzed in the middle of the day yesterday. I love seeing her. we are basically the same person and she's so real and I love talking to her. Not like any of my friends in LA. don't get me wrong, i love my friends here, but they're not as real or have a lot of the substance that my friends who I've known forever. Very good to see her!! made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. She makes me feel good about myself. A lot of my LA friends do not.... alas, LA can be a brtual town.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
I'm not a fan of rose wine. I had a glass with dinner at my friend's house last night and i gotta be honest, not so much with the liking of it, of course dont tell my friends that, i extolled the virtues of it throughout the entire meal. Just like House says on the FOX hit House "It's a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what." So i lied about liking a wine. It just makes me wonder what else people are lying about to each other, to ourselves, to people we don't even know on the internet. I had to walk a number of blocks yesterday to my friends house for dinner, there was construction on her street so i just parked and walked and it turns out it was much longer than i expected. in fact it was about a mile. on my way back, i saw a girl who used to work at a network where i was a writer on one of the shows. She was walking her dog. we are very friendly when we bump into each other, then always say we're going to get drinks and never do, typical hollywood b.s. anyway, as i was approaching her, i was thinking is that so and so? and the girl kinda bent down to pet her dog and HIDE FROM ME!! i'm not being paranoid, it was fairly obvious, so since i'm a perverse human being, i forced her to talk to me!! I was like "hello, so and so" and then she had to chat with me for like 5 mins, all the while pretending she wans't hiding from me. Everyone lies.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
greystone mansion
got on a plane early yesterday morning and got back to LA just in time to have afternoon tea with my girlfriends at greystone mansion in bev.hills. we sat at a table on the back patio, a harp playing near by and drank tea and ate scones with collated cream and jam and mini desserts. ahhh.. it was lovely. greystone is a mansion built by the doheny family, mr. doheny was the first to discover oil in california and he lived downtown but gave this mansion to his son as a gift. it used to be the biggest house in california im guess until aaron spelling built that 123 room behemoth!
Friday, July 07, 2006
when the going gets tough
the tough get going back to Los angeles where I'm returning tomorrow. Yesterday was a very very bad day for me the deafness, the ear pain, the stinging bee, the friend who told me i'm no fun anymore cause i'm negative, and the bad date. you would've thought i wouldn't have left the house after the deafness, ear pain, bee sting and friend who broke the news to me, but i thought, how much worse can it get, how much worse can i possibly feel about life... i wont even go into details, i dont like people feeling sorry for me. i did however get a consume a lot of alcohol, we know that always makes me happy happy! the city was beautiful last night, really beautiful , watched the sun set over union square and the sun hit the buildings and the sky lit up an amazing pink color!!! i heart ny.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
floppy ear canal
i have a case of floppy ear canals. i have no idea what that means but thats what the ear nose and throat doctor told me when i went this morning to get wax sucked out of my ears. last night i somehow rendedred myself deaf and was unable to hear even the loudest sound so i had to have an emergency dr. appt to change all that. I dont recall any of my other senses picking up the slack, come to think of it, i wonder why that is? it would appear my other senses are weak. I will have to train them to be a little faster on the uptake. anyway, my eveing spent as a deaf person was uneventful. no need to take up sign language to communicate with me, i have regained my hearing albeit, have done some damage to my ear canal. I'm not good at anything apparently except doing myself harm. sorry if i missed your calls, you understand.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
cape cod
i'm on the cape for the holiday weekend at my best friend katie's parents house. the weather and company are great. eating chips and dip, bbqs and hitting the beach. so very nice. went for a 3 mile run today and maybe seeing the devil wears prada!
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