here are pics from the wedding. I'm waiting for my friend amy to send the one of my parents and I. so here's one with amy dancing with the bride's mom. I like this one cause i'm dancing and having a great time with the person next to me and ih ave no idea who that person is. I'm in the red dress BTW. then there's one of all the girl scouts and girl scout leaders. My mom is in the black polka dot dress. that's how we know jenny the bride cause I was a girl scout with her and my mom was one of the GS leaders. then the best picture is me and my fighting over the bouquet which we both caught in a knock down dragged out battle that lasted a bit too long for the patience of those watching this unsually and horribly embarrassing tradition that i love to take part of. i ended up leaving with the bouquet, but here's a pic of amy and i with the bride, LOVE IT!!
thanks stevie nix for these great shots!!
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