Tuesday, January 31, 2006

i'm a bad driver

i think its safe to say i'm a bad driver. i know people don't usually admit to their short comings but i think that's doing a disservice to us all. If i think my friend has the perfect life and i' m constantly comparing myself to her life and putting myself down because my life isn't as perfect or together when really she doesn't have the perfect life but i don't know that... it's just all around bad. so i'm telling you, i'm a bad driver. And now, with the advent of cell phones, expensive coffee drinks i don't want to spill and now sirius satellite radio that i'm constantly futzing with, i barely pay attention to the road at all! I realized this yesterday when after driving for about 15 mins, I realized that I didn't even have any hands on the steering wheel. This insanity has got to stop, mark my words that when I get into my car tonight to drive home from my office, i will not allow the above mentioned distractions to take me away from my obligation to those around me to remain focus on the road.

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