Monday, August 14, 2006

the year of magical thinking

this weekend i read joan didion's book the year of magical thinking. its the only thing i did other than work out and feel sorry for myself, oh yes, the pity party continues. anyway, the book is so well written and really moving, i highly recomend it. I did nothing all weekend, literally nothing, i know some people who always do nothing, but i never do, i didnt' go out either night of the weekend!! this terrifies me as i sink deeper into my isolation chamber. But i have to say,i liked it, it was peaceful!! I had coffee and b'fast with friends. Actually had b'fast with my friend and she went to the cash machine and said it wasn't working and then went to pay for the food and said it wouldn't take her card, so i had to pay for her food as well, which is v. annying seeing as I haven't gotten a paycheck since ummmm FEBRUARY. but what was i supposed to do, sit there and eat while she sulked about her card being rejected and listening to her come up with all the reasons why it might be rejected. this is my same friend who's dad bought her a condo in malibu with a view of the pacific ocean, and i'm buying her b'fast... papa mac hasn't paid for anything since may 1996.

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