Tuesday, January 16, 2007

golden globes

aww yeah, went to the NBC - universal nbc after party last night! It rocked!!! saw all the nbc stars, everyone from the office, donald trump, and donald JR, the cast of heroes, a few soap stars, ben affleck, jennifer garner, a few movie people, all in all very successful star sightings! check out the whole story over at tvcocktail.ivillage.com you probaby need to scroll down as some of the posts have been knocked off the front page.

also my friend carrie from high school who now also lives in bev. hills was at the park with her son last week and was pushing him on the swing and lo and behold, britney spears came over and put preston in the swing next to her son and they were talking for ever and what's funny is THE ENTIRE THING WAS VIDEOTAPED BY PAPPARAZZI AND ON YOUTUBE!!! i will link it later!

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