Tuesday, January 23, 2007


TODAY is my big brother's 40th birthday! I can't believe it!! How can i possibly have a sibling that old. Now most of my good friends can't relate because I am friends almost exclusively with the exception of 2 people (and one i'm on the fence about) with only oldest children. so these people would not know what it's like to be going through this. However i'm sure the same thing was thought of me by my brother when I turned 30. He's was probably like I can't believe my little bratty sister (oh yes, i'm bratty, it's true, i'm sure it's a SHOCKER!) is 30 years old. Last time I checked she was 10.

yesterday i went to an abs class at my gym. Now I've been going to classes at the gym over the course of my life all the time, always predominatly or exclusively made up of women. this is the first class I have ever been to which was predominatly male, interesting as i looked around the room. sure i go to the gay gym so it's all gay men wanting to have fab. abs, but still, i was very surprised. I guess women want nice sculpted legs so theyr'e always doing step or yoga. anyway, i suck at ab classes so i dont htink i did any of the moves right since i'm not that sore this morning! maybe it will get worse as the day goes on.

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