Tuesday, June 12, 2007

grey hairs

so i've noticed in the past mmonths that i have more and more grey hairs, I think the stress of the past year has manifested itself on ruining my beautiful mahogany hair, like it's getting bad, just now i was in the bathroom and i have 3 grey hairs sprouting right in the front of my head, for all to see. the other hairs are in the back or on the side. so i googled going grey and this is what anderson cooper, my 2nd gay boyfriend (stephen fry the english comedian being my first gay boyfriend and he's actually come out as gay unlike anderson) said about going gray early.

"Going gray is like ejaculation. You know it can happen prematurely, but when it actually does, it's a total shock."

love him.

although also in his article on grey hair is this:

"Did you know that according to legend, the guy who became Buddha decided to seek enlightenment the day he got a touch of gray? "Gray hairs," the would-be Buddha said, "are like angels sent by the god of death."

Translation: Gray is nature's way of whispering "You're dying."

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