Thursday, June 28, 2007

License to wed premiere party was on monday night and my loyal WB friends hooked me up once again. I know I'm now on the premiere party circuit, but I still get such a kick as my mother woudl say, going to these things. they never get old to me, how is that possible? I got so jaded working on a tv show, oh it's friday we're taping again, snore. but going to premiere parties, woohooo bring it on!

had the best time at this one. the movie was not so hot, but the party was hilarious. I told one guy i didn't eat pork because i was kosher and he goes "ew," and steps away from me like I said i was contagious. clearly he didn't know what kosher meant.

i danced from one of the party to another because kristin bet me i wouldn't so i made a whopping ten bucks, although i had so much fun doing it, that i told her she didn't have to pay me, but she was true to her word.

at the party they had a couple of actors dressed up as bride and groom roaming the party and kristin and i had a drink with them, so freaking hollywood it was hilarious. I tried to hit on carrie's co-worker but got rejected so harsh!

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