well usually when a network doesn't want your show, they pass immediately, within hours. so you can imagine when ABC took 5 days to think about my show I was delighted! I thought, finally a taker. 5 days and then a pass is almost unheard of. Of course I'd think that, ABC's mandate this development season was quirky family shows, so i developed a quirky family show and... THEY PASSED...
i feel bad for my producers, one who has a crush on me, that they might never see me again if FOX passes after tomorrow's pitch BUT IT WONT HAPPEN THEY WILL LOVE IT.
i mean, what are the chances, that in 2009 the following rejections could all occur to one person...
6 business schools, 4 networks and Lauren Graham. I mean, that would be a scientific impossiblity. God would not heap THAT sheer amount of rejection on one human soul, even HE could grant compassion unlike Harvard freakin' business school! So of course FOX is going to buy my TV show, because this amount of rejection in one year is UNHEARD OF, I mean if I took my case to the supreme court, that's right The World Vs. McLaughlin even they would say "there is no precedance for such an abusive scenario and therefore McLaughlin has to granted one non rejection immediately!" so that's how I know FOX is going to buy my show tomorrow because historically there coudln't possibly be another outcome, even the supreme court says so.
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