hey people. went to the writers guild today to build signs. I did the 8-10am shift. most of the shifts are 4 hours, but the early one is not, so that's good. I took a t-shirt but it was 2XL, so i'm not sure if it'll fit.
went to santa monica tonight for a BIG union meeting. def. not asmany people showed up as the last one and it was a bit more heated but there is still solidarity which is good. fuck the AMPTP trying to rip us off those corporate pieces of shit!
i leave for nyc on thurs a.m. yikes i think it's 7am which sucks
had a lame ass date with this guy i met online. I was disappointed since he was a promising person at least on paper. tall, cute etc. and his emails made me laugh, but alas, it was a bad hour long date. HOW MANY MORE OF THESE AM I GOING TO HAVE TO GO ON??!?!?!
like i say every time this year... maybe next year!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
i just saved $600 a year on my car insurance!
i mean I've heard those ads on the radio, but i called this place USAA (which is for family members of servicemen, of which my father was one as all of our fathers had to be) and totally saved $600 bucks AND got rentals insurance too. so i prob. saved even more!
woo hoo! oh happy day!
i mean I've heard those ads on the radio, but i called this place USAA (which is for family members of servicemen, of which my father was one as all of our fathers had to be) and totally saved $600 bucks AND got rentals insurance too. so i prob. saved even more!
woo hoo! oh happy day!
yesterday i was striking at CBS. i never struck there before. i ran into a writer from a show I had met on the day the strike was called, oh yes, i was up for a tv writing big bucks job and that same day the strike was caLLED. typical, si?
anyway, i was thinking he has a nice smile and he's cute... then he's all "my boyfriend this and my boyfriend htat..."
CBS kinda blew I only stayed for like 2 hours and then was like i gots to pee, so i left since the bathroom sitch is inconvenient. today i was supposed to go to FOX with Kristin, but i'm going to see a Atonement with Jackie at noon, so i'm not sure that's happening. for some stragen reason i've been waking up at 10am these past 2 days, so thats gotta stop.
I go to NY in 9 days, its hard to keep picking up and going there, but i'll live. I just get settled there or here and then I have to leave again, but I"m psyched for Christams.
ok, off to meet Jackie at the grove!
anyway, i was thinking he has a nice smile and he's cute... then he's all "my boyfriend this and my boyfriend htat..."
CBS kinda blew I only stayed for like 2 hours and then was like i gots to pee, so i left since the bathroom sitch is inconvenient. today i was supposed to go to FOX with Kristin, but i'm going to see a Atonement with Jackie at noon, so i'm not sure that's happening. for some stragen reason i've been waking up at 10am these past 2 days, so thats gotta stop.
I go to NY in 9 days, its hard to keep picking up and going there, but i'll live. I just get settled there or here and then I have to leave again, but I"m psyched for Christams.
ok, off to meet Jackie at the grove!
Friday, December 07, 2007
Yesterday i struck at FOX. Kristin and I went and due to the distance to the bathroom from the studio but the closeness to our car we only ended up striking for maybe 1 hour 45 mins. oh well, at least we got out there.
it was gay strike day and indian strike day and bring your dog strike day. Oddly it was also straight girl who didn't realize it was gay strike day and it was awkward strike day for her.
when i showed up they had these cute bandanas that said "we wont beg" so i grabbed one and put in around my neck only to find out that it was dog strike day and these bandanas were for the dogs for around their neck. oh yes, how i make mistakes like this ALWAYS!!
it was gay strike day and indian strike day and bring your dog strike day. Oddly it was also straight girl who didn't realize it was gay strike day and it was awkward strike day for her.
when i showed up they had these cute bandanas that said "we wont beg" so i grabbed one and put in around my neck only to find out that it was dog strike day and these bandanas were for the dogs for around their neck. oh yes, how i make mistakes like this ALWAYS!!
Thursday, December 06, 2007

Guess who I struck with yesterday? As you can see in the picture who it is! woo hoo.
Krsitin and i were supposed to go to FOX yesterday but instead she said she wanted to go to WB b/c our friend dan who writes on SS's show was going to be there with SS. Anyway, she might be my new fave person as we totally hit it off. WE talked about howard Stern and our mutual love for that show and pretty much whatever else came up.
we struck for like 2 hours (we're supposed to do 3 but since the WGA isn't covering my health insurance starting january 1 since i didnt' earn enough doing WGA stuff this year, i'm not covered) so I decided 2 is all they get out of me. Anyway, then kristin, SS, and I and 2 of her writers all went to lunch at this delish place in Burbank, yes, burbank has delish sandwich places, who knew?!
last nite i went to the El Rey to see my friend Doug at a party he wa throwing. Not sure if you've heard of askaninja.com, but it's a pretty big site, like the israeli government flew him to israel to do a speech "big". and they had this question and answer thing where people in the audience asked him questions (he's dressed as a ninja the entire time) and he answered them, which is REALLY FUCKING HARD TO DO!! but he rocked. it was hilarous. Patton Oswald also did stand up but he's not funny.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
so i'm writing this mtv project for i think u all know who. anyway, i handed in the script over 2 weeks ago (the 2nd draft) and now i'm just waiting for notes, however as my agent said "if they loved it we would know that by now." which is true, dont think she's a bitch.
but i honestly thought the script rocked and thougth the mtv exec was going to think it hilarious?!! so what do i know, at least I can't sit here and say "well i could've done this or this or worked harder." I really couldn't have. I'm sure there are things to fix like in everything, but it was a solid draft... grrrr, i hate waiting! and besides anything is pure speculation right now until we hear from mtv.
i cooked a meal the other night, however i feel as if i perhaps made too much of it. I made butternut squash soup which is so delicious and i made it homemade!!! but now i have about 3 containers of it in my fridge and 4 in my freezer, that's a lot of mutha fucking soup.
tomorrow i return to the picket lines at fox with kristin. she had a big party the other night and i told a boy i thought he was cute and he was like "uh huh"... ok, then i went to the bar and drank more if that was even possible!
but i honestly thought the script rocked and thougth the mtv exec was going to think it hilarious?!! so what do i know, at least I can't sit here and say "well i could've done this or this or worked harder." I really couldn't have. I'm sure there are things to fix like in everything, but it was a solid draft... grrrr, i hate waiting! and besides anything is pure speculation right now until we hear from mtv.
i cooked a meal the other night, however i feel as if i perhaps made too much of it. I made butternut squash soup which is so delicious and i made it homemade!!! but now i have about 3 containers of it in my fridge and 4 in my freezer, that's a lot of mutha fucking soup.
tomorrow i return to the picket lines at fox with kristin. she had a big party the other night and i told a boy i thought he was cute and he was like "uh huh"... ok, then i went to the bar and drank more if that was even possible!
Saturday, December 01, 2007
thurs nite i went to the press screening of "Alvin and the Chipmunks" and it was actually really cute! Had some great one liners for adults! Take ur neices and nephews.
afterwards we went to a cocktail party at the house of the creators son of alvin and the chipmunks, this house was not to be believed!! THE HOUSE THAT SINGING CHIPMUNKS BUILT! And they live in Oprah's neighborhood. I had a few glasses of wine, yum, chatted with some of the other press, but mostly hung with terri who is a tv host in canada. I liked this guy tom, but as soon as he opened his mouth I was not a fan!
Anyway, afterwards we took a shuttle back to the four seasons and terri came back to my room and we drank wine with Remi.
yesterday remi and i woke up and went to the gym/spa. I swam in the outdoor AMAZING pool that over looks the pacific ocean, really amazing. The pool is fucking huge!!!! i could only do 10 laps! ME WHO WORKS OUT EVERY DAY!! 16 laps is a half mile so i did a litlte more than 1/4 mile! phew!
I went to the junket in the afternoon back at the house that chipmunks built. I saw with the creator's son and his wife, then did a green screen interview with the chipmunks and then interviewed justin long, jason lee and 2 other chipmunk voices, they were totaly tired and it was chaotic and i'm sure i don't have anythign worth using on the webiste (it's a video interview) hung out with Tom again and this time I really liked him! huba hubba. he asked for my email! haven't heard from him boo!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
I GOT ASKED to got to a movie junket for alvin and the chipmunks through the website i occassionally write for, fandango. so i am now at the four seasons hotel (v. posh) in santa barbara (more specifically montecito, home of OPRAH!!!)
this is the freebie they gave for the press. i invited remi to join me as shes' unemployed and who wouldn't want a free nighta the 4 seasons. we went to lunch at the restaurant and had "oprahs pomagranate martinis" and got totally buzzed and had to walk into town to walk it off!
i'm off to the press screeening of the film and tomorow is the junket, stayed tuned for the junket interview on fandango as I'll be on camera!!!!
Monday, November 26, 2007
today was a rainy day and even though i had my regular morning of walking in the park and dunkin donuts coffee, I still found myself without a car for the better half of the afternoon. thankfully alyson rescued me from parental house arrest after she was done with school. we headed to the park and threw the ball for her totally fucking fat thyroid conditioned dog Peety. We then headed to coffee labs for some tea and decaf for alyson, becuase alyson thinks it's "crazy" to drink caffeine after 3 pm "sarah I can't do that I'll be up all night, what are you crazy?" my dad says the same exact thing. AARP-Alyson and I chatted and she told me that I'm no longer depressed and in a funk. She then said "remember when I told you you were in a funk, you got mad"
my reply: no, alsyon I did not get mad because you told me I was in a funk, I got mad becuase you said "you're in a funk and you're not fun anymore and I no longer want to hang out with you." we continued to gossip more about people we love!
we then headed to pay/half where I got the most darling outfit!!!! and soooo cheap. I got this cute jacket tha looks like it coudl be sold at anthropologie and then these brown cords which i've been dying for a pair, but J. Crew sells them for a million dollars and I'm lazy.
all and all a successful day.
oh and I've come up with a new way to describe my constant problem with my stomach: Accelerated intestinal transit... i think u all know what i'm talking about.
my reply: no, alsyon I did not get mad because you told me I was in a funk, I got mad becuase you said "you're in a funk and you're not fun anymore and I no longer want to hang out with you." we continued to gossip more about people we love!
we then headed to pay/half where I got the most darling outfit!!!! and soooo cheap. I got this cute jacket tha looks like it coudl be sold at anthropologie and then these brown cords which i've been dying for a pair, but J. Crew sells them for a million dollars and I'm lazy.
all and all a successful day.
oh and I've come up with a new way to describe my constant problem with my stomach: Accelerated intestinal transit... i think u all know what i'm talking about.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Hey everyone. I am back. Well not in LA, yet, I'll get there tues at some point, I'm still in NY. It's been a fun 10 days, how come it goes by so fast when you're having a great ol' time, but when life is shit, it drags on?
I have so much to cover, and no energy to do so. To give you a funny anecdote to my trip, last night Alyson and I drove up to Emma's new house on 3 acres in pound ridge, it's fucking awesome. we had dinner, drinks and played a few rounds of the game Taboo. If I told you this version of Taboo we played that we came up with ourselves has never been played before or will be played since, you will have to believe me. I have never laughed so hard during this game and the reason I'm not elaborating is b/c it was wildly innapropriate.
anyway, alyson and I get on the road at like 1:30am and head back to I-town and i arrive at my parents house at like 215 or something. and my parents get all pissed at me that I showed up at 215 without calling. I'm like, uh i didn't call becaues I"m a grown up and I'm allowed to stay out past 2am if i so please. but they were all worried, i have no idea why, but the next day my mom made up a story that a bunch of people had been recently killed by drunk drivers on the coincidentally the exact road we were driving on. (now mind you she didn't tell me this before my journey up there which is why I know it's not a true story, she likes t omake stuff up.)
anyway, thankfully i wasn't drunk and could have a conversation basically letting them knwo that i'm an adult and that's the end of story.
will fill you on on more stories and pics. I had a great t'giving!!!! my neice and newphew are the fucking cutest!!!
I have so much to cover, and no energy to do so. To give you a funny anecdote to my trip, last night Alyson and I drove up to Emma's new house on 3 acres in pound ridge, it's fucking awesome. we had dinner, drinks and played a few rounds of the game Taboo. If I told you this version of Taboo we played that we came up with ourselves has never been played before or will be played since, you will have to believe me. I have never laughed so hard during this game and the reason I'm not elaborating is b/c it was wildly innapropriate.
anyway, alyson and I get on the road at like 1:30am and head back to I-town and i arrive at my parents house at like 215 or something. and my parents get all pissed at me that I showed up at 215 without calling. I'm like, uh i didn't call becaues I"m a grown up and I'm allowed to stay out past 2am if i so please. but they were all worried, i have no idea why, but the next day my mom made up a story that a bunch of people had been recently killed by drunk drivers on the coincidentally the exact road we were driving on. (now mind you she didn't tell me this before my journey up there which is why I know it's not a true story, she likes t omake stuff up.)
anyway, thankfully i wasn't drunk and could have a conversation basically letting them knwo that i'm an adult and that's the end of story.
will fill you on on more stories and pics. I had a great t'giving!!!! my neice and newphew are the fucking cutest!!!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Picket Party
yesterday a group of us had a picket party at CBS radford, like 15 of us planned to picket for the same shift. It's fun when yo'ure walking in a circle with people you know and need to catch up with. It was the hottest day of the picketing, i was sweating my ass off and i even got a tan on my arm (and i was wearing 45 SPF)
I ran into this woman who i used to write with on that 80s show. And she is CRAZY!! I guess I never realized it, but I havent seen her in prob. 4+ years and this is how the conversation went:
me: how's your husband?
her: he's good, why does everyone ask about my husband, everyoen always asks about him, why does everyone do that?
then me a little later.
Me: how are your cats?
her: my cats?
me: yeah remember when I house sat and took care of them?
her: not my cats, my dogs. Don't call them cats, they're not cats. THey're dogs.
and everything out of her mouth.... she was like captain defensivo!
I'm so bummed I missed my tv boyfriend dr. house picketing at fox the one fucking day i took off from picketing.
I'm off to the showers and my ride is taking me to the airport in like 20 mins. I'm flying to NYC baby! then going to cape cod tomorrow until sunday and then in the Irv. for over a week, so no more picketing (although I might do it in NYC with the WGA east)
I ran into this woman who i used to write with on that 80s show. And she is CRAZY!! I guess I never realized it, but I havent seen her in prob. 4+ years and this is how the conversation went:
me: how's your husband?
her: he's good, why does everyone ask about my husband, everyoen always asks about him, why does everyone do that?
then me a little later.
Me: how are your cats?
her: my cats?
me: yeah remember when I house sat and took care of them?
her: not my cats, my dogs. Don't call them cats, they're not cats. THey're dogs.
and everything out of her mouth.... she was like captain defensivo!
I'm so bummed I missed my tv boyfriend dr. house picketing at fox the one fucking day i took off from picketing.
I'm off to the showers and my ride is taking me to the airport in like 20 mins. I'm flying to NYC baby! then going to cape cod tomorrow until sunday and then in the Irv. for over a week, so no more picketing (although I might do it in NYC with the WGA east)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
you prob. won't get this joke
last week a picture of an agent was taken at the picket line. he's talking to a client. The woman who runs the BIGGEST hollywood strike update blog in town ran a caption contest... GUESS WHO WON!
you prob. wont get it if you've never had your agent tell you you cant be a drama writer now b/c youve only ever b een a sitcom writer... but it's the worsT
I didn't take credit b/c this agent just so happens to be on from my agency and is one of my agents.
check it out here.
last week a picture of an agent was taken at the picket line. he's talking to a client. The woman who runs the BIGGEST hollywood strike update blog in town ran a caption contest... GUESS WHO WON!
you prob. wont get it if you've never had your agent tell you you cant be a drama writer now b/c youve only ever b een a sitcom writer... but it's the worsT
I didn't take credit b/c this agent just so happens to be on from my agency and is one of my agents.
check it out here.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
In case you guys are confused by why exaclty the WGA is striking here's a great piece written by doris egan who writes house about why we're striking. WHY WE STRIKE AND WHY NONE OF THIS BENEFITS US BUT WILL BENEFIT FUTURE WRITERS
One pic of my rally posse, one pic of the CAA assistant handing out churros, two pics of the rally on friday at FOX that had 4000 people and wasn't on the cover of the la times. oh media conglmoerates are so fun when they're promoting the view of the studios and not the little writers. oh and one with people laying down in the middle of pico and shutting it down.
This week I'm going out there in my gorilla suit. oh yeah, i'm getting on the news!!!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
This week on strike
since the iraq war started, there is this show on CNN called this week in war.
this is my equivalent for being on strike!
what i've learned this week
1. never date writers. while on strike you have to picket with other writers. Other writers you will inevitably see on the picket line. some you haven't returned their calls, others you pretend to not see during a 4 hour circle you're making and passing them over and over and over... you get the drill. also what works is going to opposite direction by shouting "hey it's rob" every time you walk by him to avoid the fact you rejected him. so to avoid these and even more awkward situations, I have decided not to date writers.
2. striking is hard. seriously, marching in a circle for 4 hours a day is why i didn't join the army. that and the misogynistic environment and lack of food selections, i'm guessing they dont serve sushi in iraq.
3. strikers get treats. all the talent agents sent out their gophers with hot cocoa, churros (i have a picture of that one yum), cookies, burritos, pizzas etc. we get to put back on all the calories we just burned off. Yum! even local catering companies came out with boxes of different treats they can do with their stickers/business cards.
this is my equivalent for being on strike!
what i've learned this week
1. never date writers. while on strike you have to picket with other writers. Other writers you will inevitably see on the picket line. some you haven't returned their calls, others you pretend to not see during a 4 hour circle you're making and passing them over and over and over... you get the drill. also what works is going to opposite direction by shouting "hey it's rob" every time you walk by him to avoid the fact you rejected him. so to avoid these and even more awkward situations, I have decided not to date writers.
2. striking is hard. seriously, marching in a circle for 4 hours a day is why i didn't join the army. that and the misogynistic environment and lack of food selections, i'm guessing they dont serve sushi in iraq.
3. strikers get treats. all the talent agents sent out their gophers with hot cocoa, churros (i have a picture of that one yum), cookies, burritos, pizzas etc. we get to put back on all the calories we just burned off. Yum! even local catering companies came out with boxes of different treats they can do with their stickers/business cards.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Heres the link to my story about strike and date yesterday on the picket lines!!!!!
Here's a pic of the cute boy i asked out in my story. Our first picture!! AWww. I'm going to frame and send it to him when the strike is over. That wont scare him too much.
also how cute is this little kid. The slogan for the strike is "pencils down." check out his sign!
And the picture of the tall guy in the brown shirt is my friend trae who is not a writer but works at fox and came out to visit!!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
The Osmonds Family
Little known fact: I am related to the Osmonds. They Hail from Ogden, Utah as does my family. my dad and his entire family were born and raised in Ogden. A great uncle of mine married one of the Osmonds Aunts.
So I want to keep in mind the prayers as Mr. Osmond died this week.
So I want to keep in mind the prayers as Mr. Osmond died this week.
Well, today is day 3 on the picket lines. I've lost a pound i think hitting the pavement, everyone I talk to also is exahusted, writers are not built to walk 4 hours a day, we're built to sit in front of computers for 12 hours a day and eat candy.
Tomorrow I'm def going to fox to picket and here's why:
Single Writer Picketing seeks Single Writer Picketing: I'm told it took one very funny and ridiculously tall writer to come up with the idea, and one sympathetic married writer to name the place. So... "Single Strikers Picketing". Date: Thursday, 1:00pm - 5:00pm. Place: Intersection of Galaxy and Avenue of the Stars. (Unfortunately, by the time this strike gets settled, writers could meet, marry and have a baby with weeks to spare.)
my camera is in the car, but i prom tonight to load pics up of me on the strike line. And i'll take a ton of pics of the date and picket tomorrow! you can vote on my eligible bachelors. what am i going to wear?!
Tomorrow I'm def going to fox to picket and here's why:
Single Writer Picketing seeks Single Writer Picketing: I'm told it took one very funny and ridiculously tall writer to come up with the idea, and one sympathetic married writer to name the place. So... "Single Strikers Picketing". Date: Thursday, 1:00pm - 5:00pm. Place: Intersection of Galaxy and Avenue of the Stars. (Unfortunately, by the time this strike gets settled, writers could meet, marry and have a baby with weeks to spare.)
my camera is in the car, but i prom tonight to load pics up of me on the strike line. And i'll take a ton of pics of the date and picket tomorrow! you can vote on my eligible bachelors. what am i going to wear?!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
I'm totally on strike people! it's on. I was on the front line yesterday at universal studios walking the picket line, i got pics on my camera to come!
At universal we chanted 4 more cents! which is all we want from each dvd sale. the producers wont give it to us as it cuts into their $26.00/dvd profit! yeah, it's that ridiculous.
today at paramount i picketed with my friend Dybner and my new friend bob who is stacey's old friend bob. We have now run into each other 3 times in the past week after meeting at a halloween party. We had heard so much about each other.
Also on the picket line today at paramount were a few celebs: Jeff Garlin from Curb Your Enthusiam who is also a member of the WGA and Valerie Harper from Mary Tyler moore show and Valerie. She was there as a member of SAG in support of our plight (they get the same deal as us when their contract is up in June '08)
I think i'm heading to FOX tomorrow so stay tuned, they got a lot of celebs on that line. I'm also looking for single hot men.
Oh and back to bob for a second, he told me he can see why stacey and i are good friends except I'm a little more amped up energy wise, i think he called her a little more low key. when I took offense to that (i've been described as wild since my elementary school days when in kindergarten kids would come up to me and tell me they wanted to have me at their birthday party but their paretns won't let them invite me as i'm too "wild" so you can see why i'm hyper sensitive 27 years later. FINE 28 YEARS! I LIE ABOUT MY AGE ALL THE TIME!!
At universal we chanted 4 more cents! which is all we want from each dvd sale. the producers wont give it to us as it cuts into their $26.00/dvd profit! yeah, it's that ridiculous.
today at paramount i picketed with my friend Dybner and my new friend bob who is stacey's old friend bob. We have now run into each other 3 times in the past week after meeting at a halloween party. We had heard so much about each other.
Also on the picket line today at paramount were a few celebs: Jeff Garlin from Curb Your Enthusiam who is also a member of the WGA and Valerie Harper from Mary Tyler moore show and Valerie. She was there as a member of SAG in support of our plight (they get the same deal as us when their contract is up in June '08)
I think i'm heading to FOX tomorrow so stay tuned, they got a lot of celebs on that line. I'm also looking for single hot men.
Oh and back to bob for a second, he told me he can see why stacey and i are good friends except I'm a little more amped up energy wise, i think he called her a little more low key. when I took offense to that (i've been described as wild since my elementary school days when in kindergarten kids would come up to me and tell me they wanted to have me at their birthday party but their paretns won't let them invite me as i'm too "wild" so you can see why i'm hyper sensitive 27 years later. FINE 28 YEARS! I LIE ABOUT MY AGE ALL THE TIME!!
Monday, November 05, 2007
So currently I am without internet at home. For the past 4 months I’ve been stealing it from my neighbor. Then on Friday morning I woke up and BAM, no more interent. I thought to myself, surely this will be rectified soon, but alas, it’s now Sunday and my airport hasn’t seen it since. Personally I think they’re kinda selfish moving or turning it off seeing I needed it.
This is going to complicate my life. I also use the internet at the WGA but it doesn’t open it’s doors until 10:30 am and I get up much earlier than that. So this weekend since I don’t have the internet to waste hours and hours of my life on, I have finished my fandango article that was due Friday, I’ve also mopped all the floors in my apartment, dusted the entire apartment, vacuumed the entire apartment, cleaned up everything that’s been lying around my apartment, really really obsessively cleaning the place.
Now tomorrow I strike! You’re supposed to strike where you work, seeing as I work at the WGA, it would be weird to strike there since they’re my union. I guess I could strike at my apartment, just walk up and down my street with my picket. But I don’t think this will be very effective. I think I’m going to head to CBS with my picket and red t-shirt.
Friday night I went to my fave restaurant, dominicks and had dinner with bernsie and Kyle. Then we went to a bday party for Paula in santa monica. Sat.: Monique, natalya, bernsie and I went to janae baby shower in fullerton AKA really far away from LA and boy did we talk about that the entire way down . So far in fact that they have Chik-fil-a down there, they only have that in like Georgia, if that’s any indication how far away this party was from LA.
I’m about to head to dinner again at dominicks with Christie and her BF and his friends. Yum.
This is going to complicate my life. I also use the internet at the WGA but it doesn’t open it’s doors until 10:30 am and I get up much earlier than that. So this weekend since I don’t have the internet to waste hours and hours of my life on, I have finished my fandango article that was due Friday, I’ve also mopped all the floors in my apartment, dusted the entire apartment, vacuumed the entire apartment, cleaned up everything that’s been lying around my apartment, really really obsessively cleaning the place.
Now tomorrow I strike! You’re supposed to strike where you work, seeing as I work at the WGA, it would be weird to strike there since they’re my union. I guess I could strike at my apartment, just walk up and down my street with my picket. But I don’t think this will be very effective. I think I’m going to head to CBS with my picket and red t-shirt.
Friday night I went to my fave restaurant, dominicks and had dinner with bernsie and Kyle. Then we went to a bday party for Paula in santa monica. Sat.: Monique, natalya, bernsie and I went to janae baby shower in fullerton AKA really far away from LA and boy did we talk about that the entire way down . So far in fact that they have Chik-fil-a down there, they only have that in like Georgia, if that’s any indication how far away this party was from LA.
I’m about to head to dinner again at dominicks with Christie and her BF and his friends. Yum.
Monday, October 29, 2007
a weekend of signs
I got 2 signs this weekend:
the first one was when i went to go buy beer for the friday night halloween party. I didn't get ID-ed and when I looked at my receipt it said "VERIFICATION BYPASSED"
they no longer needs to verify if i'm over 21. i have dreaded this day. what a harsh way to learn it: verification bypassed seems so cruel.
second sign: Next time be more considerate, ASSHOLE! This was a note i found on my car saturday evening when i came out after an art show. I have the note and am going to take a picture of it. but i checked and i wasn't blocking a driveway or boxing anyone in. I really wish this angry person would've elaborated on my transgression. clearly next time i won't be considerate becuase i dont know what i did wrong.
the first one was when i went to go buy beer for the friday night halloween party. I didn't get ID-ed and when I looked at my receipt it said "VERIFICATION BYPASSED"
they no longer needs to verify if i'm over 21. i have dreaded this day. what a harsh way to learn it: verification bypassed seems so cruel.
second sign: Next time be more considerate, ASSHOLE! This was a note i found on my car saturday evening when i came out after an art show. I have the note and am going to take a picture of it. but i checked and i wasn't blocking a driveway or boxing anyone in. I really wish this angry person would've elaborated on my transgression. clearly next time i won't be considerate becuase i dont know what i did wrong.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
went to ricks annual halloween party last night. it was fun in a very tame adult, we have kids and/or are pregnant sort of night. grrrr. oh and with the exception of the 24 year olds who are friends of rick's new GF (he recently got divorced) so it was a bunch of oldies and then 24 y/o who are dressed like whores.
I'm not sure the order of the pics, but a few are of erica who announced her pregnanacy dressing as a cadillac escalade with the the tag "baby on board" and then the due date on the license plate on the back, very cute. she has been trying to get preggers for like 3 years so we're all thrilled. I'm feeling up kristin's boobs in one pic.
I'm the gorilla BTW.
teh party was fun-ish. more fun than i thought it was going to be as i wasn't drinking. so i thought i woudn't have fun, but my big group of friends was there, so that fun!!
Friday, October 26, 2007
yesterday i had my meeting. it was good, it went well, i handled the bitch v. easily. puddy in my hands.
then i wen tout with kristin, jackie and natalya to the best new restaurant in la. FYI these women are totally fucking rich. 2 working writers and then nat who's husband runs a tv show, so she's rich by proxy. me: not so much right now, sooo of course they pick THE MOST $$$$$$ RESTAURANT, but it was worth it. it was amazing. so amazing. i'm not sure i've had such a fantastic meal
the place is craft, which is from tom collicio (sp?) the guy from top chef and what i loved about the restaurant was everything was perfect for the season. oh and at the end of the meal, they gives us individually wrapped muffins for b'fast, pumpkin muffins, soooo good! this place was ridic!!!!! go there!!! its amazing!!!! best food eeeevvvveeeerrr!
i'm fat
then i wen tout with kristin, jackie and natalya to the best new restaurant in la. FYI these women are totally fucking rich. 2 working writers and then nat who's husband runs a tv show, so she's rich by proxy. me: not so much right now, sooo of course they pick THE MOST $$$$$$ RESTAURANT, but it was worth it. it was amazing. so amazing. i'm not sure i've had such a fantastic meal
the place is craft, which is from tom collicio (sp?) the guy from top chef and what i loved about the restaurant was everything was perfect for the season. oh and at the end of the meal, they gives us individually wrapped muffins for b'fast, pumpkin muffins, soooo good! this place was ridic!!!!! go there!!! its amazing!!!! best food eeeevvvveeeerrr!
i'm fat
its official
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I have a meeting with the above mentioned network today in regards to my high profile project i'm writing for them.
so here's the gossip: they just brought on a new executive over the one who bought my project and you know what happens to the projects that are bought before someone comes in, they get pissed on. So i have to go in and meet with this person who i hear is a nightmare, a total uber bitch. and who has been pissing all over all the projects she didn't personally buy. GREAT.
also, this network just had a huge show bomb, one of their new scripted programs. and it bombed on monday night. so this should be fun!!!!
i'm stressed about this meeting because i've been warned the bitch smells fear and will tear you apart. and the asst. warned me becaue I'm so easy going that she's worried this woman will steam roll me, so now i have to have a zone defense ready for her when she questions things in my script and why i wrote what i did.
dating tip
here's a dating tip, when you go on a date with a guy u met on the internet, know what his name is BEFORE you arrive.
yeah, cause i didn't
i went to luna park last night to meet up with an internet guy, i thought his name was dan, i have no idea why. I only know 2 dans: my brother and my friend who is married.
but anyway, i walked up to him and said "are you dan?" he said no, then i had to look around some more and be like I swear that guy looks like the guy (FYI looked like, but did not really look like him, he must've showed a picture from ages ago) then i had to be like ummmmm.... and then he said "you're sarah." and i was so fucking humiliated!!!! he told me at the end of the date, at that moment he was going to be like "yeah, lets just go home." but thankfully when we sat down I wowed him with my gorilla run story. Good to know that's such a great story.
anyway, he was very nice, once he got over the attitude of me not knowing his name. I had to work extra hard and be extra "everythings cool" even though he was kinda being a bitch about it with his attitude and smarmy look. I was like furiously trying to peddle the bicycle. I could totally tell he wanted to hit eject with how he was giving me smarm looks, anyway, we ate s'mores which is why we went there since I love s'mores and say so on my bio.
we had fun. i'm not drinking in the month of october, so i drank lemonade i didn't tell him of course I wasn't drinking for that reason, kinda makes it seem like I'm a drunk if i have a rule where I take a month off of booze every year, so i just said "Oh I took an allergy pill b/c of all the smoke and crap in the air right now and can't have a drink." this relationship is already built on lies, i think the best ones are.
anyway, he walked me to my car and said good night. I think he's very smart and nice and would go out with him again. I'm trying to do that more, give peopel more than one shot to impress me. I'm such a bitch, i know but i'm trying not to be!
yeah, cause i didn't
i went to luna park last night to meet up with an internet guy, i thought his name was dan, i have no idea why. I only know 2 dans: my brother and my friend who is married.
but anyway, i walked up to him and said "are you dan?" he said no, then i had to look around some more and be like I swear that guy looks like the guy (FYI looked like, but did not really look like him, he must've showed a picture from ages ago) then i had to be like ummmmm.... and then he said "you're sarah." and i was so fucking humiliated!!!! he told me at the end of the date, at that moment he was going to be like "yeah, lets just go home." but thankfully when we sat down I wowed him with my gorilla run story. Good to know that's such a great story.
anyway, he was very nice, once he got over the attitude of me not knowing his name. I had to work extra hard and be extra "everythings cool" even though he was kinda being a bitch about it with his attitude and smarmy look. I was like furiously trying to peddle the bicycle. I could totally tell he wanted to hit eject with how he was giving me smarm looks, anyway, we ate s'mores which is why we went there since I love s'mores and say so on my bio.
we had fun. i'm not drinking in the month of october, so i drank lemonade i didn't tell him of course I wasn't drinking for that reason, kinda makes it seem like I'm a drunk if i have a rule where I take a month off of booze every year, so i just said "Oh I took an allergy pill b/c of all the smoke and crap in the air right now and can't have a drink." this relationship is already built on lies, i think the best ones are.
anyway, he walked me to my car and said good night. I think he's very smart and nice and would go out with him again. I'm trying to do that more, give peopel more than one shot to impress me. I'm such a bitch, i know but i'm trying not to be!
Monday, October 22, 2007
type A
when i was growing up i pretended to not care about anything. ever. truth is i cared about everything. However people are stupid and coudn't tell, or maybe some could. but a lot of my friends in irvington still think of me as a fuck up.
here's the reality.
I'm a fucking type A perfectionist.
which is why taking tennis is proving to be disastorous. In the past 4 weeks of my lessons, my game has improved so dramatically that all the people in my class are stunned as is the teacher. Like stunned, they cannot believe how much better i've gotten. Im focused, I'm driven and I really work at it.
tonight on the court, my game was so on. and i was no longer the suck ass player. and then is started, the john mcenroe melt downs. becuause I am a perfectionist and know that I'm much better, I now expect so much of myself, i expect perfection which i know is irrational and unrealistic, but tonight I missed an easy shot and screamed, threw down my racket and walked off the court, later I rolled around on the ground in pure agony. it's agony not being perfect.
the instructor said something about my competitive side coming, but i'm not competitive with other people, i do not care about other people, i'm so wrapped up in my own progress. he even pretended to hit me with the racket after a missed a shot and i didn't even notice, he was all You didn't even flinch, I was inches away from hitting you. I said I was too mad at myself to notice anything else around me.
i'm turning into john mcenroe.
oh and the girls in my class finally asked me if I wanted to play during the week. No one has aksed me before cause i suck, but now i'm good and they all want a piece. I'm kidding, but it does feel good. Man, when I focus I hyper focus, not sure it's a good thing...
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Does this guy look gay to you? he's on brothers and sisters and I saw him walk into the little door next door last week and.... I find him super fly, so why didn't i follow him in? I was outside talking to my friend Paul and just had a big lunch with my friend carrie and didn't need to eat or drink any more coffee even if a tv star was in the showp. but he looked so cute!!!! he's from wales, i think we would make a cute couple.
I wonder if he lives in the nieghborhood becuase I live in the neighborhood and it would be so convenient.
also on the male front, there's a guy who i have a mild interest in, he was the one in april who after my friends premire party tracked my email down and send me an email. i went to see his band the other night and he seemed so happy to see me and kept touching me while he talked to me, and so i sent him some pics from the gorilla run cause he donated and then NOTHING. my friend karen was with me and was like "i think doug likes you, he kept touching you, he wasn't touching me!" and i was like "nooooo" but inside i was like "yaaaayyy!!"
but now im disappointed cuase i haven't heard from him
i just exhibitted some serious will power. tonight i was reallly hungry, and told myself if i went to the gym i could then afterward get dominick's spag. and meatballs for takeout. It's my fave restaurant in LA and so fucking good.
while on the eliptical, where I did 4 miles and burned 400 calories, i said no sarah, u have veggies and eggs in ur fridge that are about to go bad, make something out of that and u can save money and eat a healthy alternative. so i did!!
then i said i'd reward myself by going to the grocery after and picking up some more sugar free choc. pudding, but whenever i go to the store these days buy candy corn and said no i wont do that, but that lasted until i got in the aisle of candy and ooked up and down so then i said if i dont see the candy corn during my first pass of the candy aisle, then i'm not allowed to go back and look again, that was the sign i'm not supposed to get the large autumn candy corn mix with pumpkin and chocolate candy corn as well. NO I AM NOT! well of course, i turned around after failing to see the bag the first pass, i mean where could they be hiding, they wre right here last sunday night, dammit!
but alas, i wouldn't allow myself to do another drive by. so i came home, with the pudding, soy milk and banans and some more of my favorite yogurt (real yogurt not frozen) I've found that one yogurt a day has solved my stomach problems... of course until they start up again.
so i turned down the spag and meatballs, saved money and turned down candy corn. so proud of myself.
do i seem obsessed? that was rehtorical.
while on the eliptical, where I did 4 miles and burned 400 calories, i said no sarah, u have veggies and eggs in ur fridge that are about to go bad, make something out of that and u can save money and eat a healthy alternative. so i did!!
then i said i'd reward myself by going to the grocery after and picking up some more sugar free choc. pudding, but whenever i go to the store these days buy candy corn and said no i wont do that, but that lasted until i got in the aisle of candy and ooked up and down so then i said if i dont see the candy corn during my first pass of the candy aisle, then i'm not allowed to go back and look again, that was the sign i'm not supposed to get the large autumn candy corn mix with pumpkin and chocolate candy corn as well. NO I AM NOT! well of course, i turned around after failing to see the bag the first pass, i mean where could they be hiding, they wre right here last sunday night, dammit!
but alas, i wouldn't allow myself to do another drive by. so i came home, with the pudding, soy milk and banans and some more of my favorite yogurt (real yogurt not frozen) I've found that one yogurt a day has solved my stomach problems... of course until they start up again.
so i turned down the spag and meatballs, saved money and turned down candy corn. so proud of myself.
do i seem obsessed? that was rehtorical.
went yesterday to an autumn festival in moorpark. It was like something stright out of gimore girls. it was about an hour outside of LA. went with my friends who have kids, i was the 7th wheel. I went with amy and greg and their 2 kids, sooooooo cute these kids and babies playing on the hay, posing on big pumpkins, etc.
saw pig racing!!! i feel like i'm in the country not the 2nd largest city in the us.
there was a cow ride and each cow had a name, as u can see one was named sarah, my name.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I have commitment issues that i need to stop. let me slow down.
last week i was watching oprah with alexis stewart where she talked about getting preggers in her early 40s and how impossible it was proving to be and how all these magazines make it seem like she has plenty of time to get preggers cause people are having their 2nd child in their 50s. but she says its just not true.
so i panicked and that night got back online dating and winked at a couple of guys, 10 2 b exact, only 2 winked back. that's a 20% return rate, better than a stock portfolio i guess.
i need to meet someone. i'm not sure i want kids or what have u, they seem like a lot of work and i'm lazy by nature, but i need to get on it so as at least have a chance and not be fucked if i decide in 5 years that's exactly what i want!!
under pressure
prob. is i have major commitment issues that i need to adress, but who has the time, according to alexis stewart, i'm alredy too late!!! AARRRGGGHH!!!!!
last week i was watching oprah with alexis stewart where she talked about getting preggers in her early 40s and how impossible it was proving to be and how all these magazines make it seem like she has plenty of time to get preggers cause people are having their 2nd child in their 50s. but she says its just not true.
so i panicked and that night got back online dating and winked at a couple of guys, 10 2 b exact, only 2 winked back. that's a 20% return rate, better than a stock portfolio i guess.
i need to meet someone. i'm not sure i want kids or what have u, they seem like a lot of work and i'm lazy by nature, but i need to get on it so as at least have a chance and not be fucked if i decide in 5 years that's exactly what i want!!
under pressure
prob. is i have major commitment issues that i need to adress, but who has the time, according to alexis stewart, i'm alredy too late!!! AARRRGGGHH!!!!!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
must stop eating candy corn.
so when i was in high school, billy joel released this song called we didn't start the fire and it was like cool to memorize the entire thing, dont really know why or if it was cool at all, perhaps only i thought it was cool
anyway, i found this site that hyperlinks EVERY word of that song so you know what every event he's takling about is, it's pretty awesome. or maybe i just think it's awesome and it's not.
so when i was in high school, billy joel released this song called we didn't start the fire and it was like cool to memorize the entire thing, dont really know why or if it was cool at all, perhaps only i thought it was cool
anyway, i found this site that hyperlinks EVERY word of that song so you know what every event he's takling about is, it's pretty awesome. or maybe i just think it's awesome and it's not.
how do they know this?
i was just at Ralphs shopping for groceries and needed salsa. So i went up to an employee and said "wheres the salsa?" and she said without a 2nd thought, "aisle 13."
how did she know this? do they have to memorize where EVERY SINGLE ITEM is in the store? i'm always suprised when they all know this. I dont even know where i put my keys IN MY OWN HOUSE!
how did she know this? do they have to memorize where EVERY SINGLE ITEM is in the store? i'm always suprised when they all know this. I dont even know where i put my keys IN MY OWN HOUSE!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
i'm so tired, i have been burning the candle at both ends. today i woke up at 9am and that ws so late for me as I have been gettting up at 7 and going to ed at like 2.
another friend read the script last night, she said it's good. i still think everyone is lying to me. i mean it's no House (best show on TV along with Friday night lights)
but it is very MTV cartoon, which seeing that it is an MTV cartoon sounds right.
another friend read the script last night, she said it's good. i still think everyone is lying to me. i mean it's no House (best show on TV along with Friday night lights)
but it is very MTV cartoon, which seeing that it is an MTV cartoon sounds right.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
it's that time of the year again....
i hate halloween, i mean HATE HATE HATE IT. I miss my old roomie stacey terribly, but she is crazy in love with halloween and that is the only reason i'm glad shes not around anymore as she used to make me celebrate this stupid holiday.
but here's the only reason why i like this time of year...

I cannot go into Ralphs without picking a bag of this devils brew up! I'm even considering buying bags and bag to last me until the new year!!!
speaking of the new year, as a result of the 3 some i had last year and the blackout/falling down the subway stairs and then unblacking out I grounded myself on Jan 1st for 2007-2008 new years eve. that's right an entire year before I already told myself i was being punished for said behavior. so now chatter is happening about this NYE and people think i'm lame for not allowing myself to go out. I think a glass of wine and a night at the cinema might do a gal good.
but here's the only reason why i like this time of year...
I cannot go into Ralphs without picking a bag of this devils brew up! I'm even considering buying bags and bag to last me until the new year!!!
speaking of the new year, as a result of the 3 some i had last year and the blackout/falling down the subway stairs and then unblacking out I grounded myself on Jan 1st for 2007-2008 new years eve. that's right an entire year before I already told myself i was being punished for said behavior. so now chatter is happening about this NYE and people think i'm lame for not allowing myself to go out. I think a glass of wine and a night at the cinema might do a gal good.
i'm stressed. I have so much going on this week it's crazy. I'm furiouslly writing my MTV show script doubting now whether I can even write. I wrote for 4 hours yesterday after my pitch to TBS and athen went to tennis and while trying to perfect my backhand I came to the conclusion that I needed to work much more.
so at 9pm i sat down at my computer and worked for 4 more hours. today i met my friend at Peets coffee to discuss it. Shes not one of those people who is honest so it's hard to know how sh really felt about the script. this is what i've learned about people. She doens't like to get notes or do re-writes on her scripts and she takes notes so personally that sometimes she cries when you says "i dont really know the voice of this character" so as a result, she doesn't give honest notes. Meanwhile, if i read something, i'm like hate it, love it, needs work, dont get, becaues i think getting notes only makes a script better and i welcome them and do not take it personally. If you dont get something u dont get it and chances are other people wont end of story!
so now i'm doing another re-write to send to my friend Alan who will hopefully be more honest. although that s not to say my friend this a.m. wan'st helpful, she def. was.
another thing though is that she says when i ask her to read a script "you better hire me on this," or "you better by me a latte," she always wants payback, meanwhile I read her script a few weeks ago and just read it and didn't demand anything, but she ALWAYS needs to have an agenda, always needs to tell u why she's doing you a favor, always needs to be OWED!
it's annoying
so at 9pm i sat down at my computer and worked for 4 more hours. today i met my friend at Peets coffee to discuss it. Shes not one of those people who is honest so it's hard to know how sh really felt about the script. this is what i've learned about people. She doens't like to get notes or do re-writes on her scripts and she takes notes so personally that sometimes she cries when you says "i dont really know the voice of this character" so as a result, she doesn't give honest notes. Meanwhile, if i read something, i'm like hate it, love it, needs work, dont get, becaues i think getting notes only makes a script better and i welcome them and do not take it personally. If you dont get something u dont get it and chances are other people wont end of story!
so now i'm doing another re-write to send to my friend Alan who will hopefully be more honest. although that s not to say my friend this a.m. wan'st helpful, she def. was.
another thing though is that she says when i ask her to read a script "you better hire me on this," or "you better by me a latte," she always wants payback, meanwhile I read her script a few weeks ago and just read it and didn't demand anything, but she ALWAYS needs to have an agenda, always needs to tell u why she's doing you a favor, always needs to be OWED!
it's annoying
Friday, October 05, 2007
phew! i got a $600 residual check yesterday that i immediately sent to my Credit card whose balance i have let accrue which is so unlike me it's ridic! so when i got the check in teh mail, i sent the exact amount to my 2 credit cards (you know things are bad when you start choosing which card to use) that is going to put a nice dent in what I owe. thank heaven!
yesterday i found a dollar on the sidewalk, it made me smile,
today i have to pitch to my sony producer more ideas to go out with to the networks again, meanwhile i'm furiously drownging in my mtv script as it's a complete mess and not at all funny. Man pilots are hard you have to set up the characters, all their relationships while making it funny. It's already 12 pages and it's only supposed to be 17, oh well, try more like 30. i'll have to make cuts after wards.
so ive come up with like 15 ideas to pitch the producer today, some are dark and crazy, but most have a hook which is what she likes.
on monday i'm stepping in for a 2 month gig back on my ivillage tv website to help out suzy, shout out!! because the gal who took over after me quit. also i write the house recaps on that site and loooove that. Its fun to read the comments other fans post based on my questions about the episode.
i'm tired
if you have any ideas for a tv show please share ASAP
i'm still recovering from jet lag which i've never really had before as i usually get to my destingation and work out or run or walk and that really helps, but since i've been back, i've been sitting and writing non stop, so no workouts so this jet lag has been dragging. It didn't help that on sunday night in london after our flight turned around and landed back in london that i went to bed at 130am and had to get up at 4am to fight with united about putting me on a direct to LA flight and then was too riled up to sleep again, so i didn't really get a good nights sleep and thats just fucked me!
oh well
off to create a tv show...
yesterday i found a dollar on the sidewalk, it made me smile,
today i have to pitch to my sony producer more ideas to go out with to the networks again, meanwhile i'm furiously drownging in my mtv script as it's a complete mess and not at all funny. Man pilots are hard you have to set up the characters, all their relationships while making it funny. It's already 12 pages and it's only supposed to be 17, oh well, try more like 30. i'll have to make cuts after wards.
so ive come up with like 15 ideas to pitch the producer today, some are dark and crazy, but most have a hook which is what she likes.
on monday i'm stepping in for a 2 month gig back on my ivillage tv website to help out suzy, shout out!! because the gal who took over after me quit. also i write the house recaps on that site and loooove that. Its fun to read the comments other fans post based on my questions about the episode.
i'm tired
if you have any ideas for a tv show please share ASAP
i'm still recovering from jet lag which i've never really had before as i usually get to my destingation and work out or run or walk and that really helps, but since i've been back, i've been sitting and writing non stop, so no workouts so this jet lag has been dragging. It didn't help that on sunday night in london after our flight turned around and landed back in london that i went to bed at 130am and had to get up at 4am to fight with united about putting me on a direct to LA flight and then was too riled up to sleep again, so i didn't really get a good nights sleep and thats just fucked me!
oh well
off to create a tv show...
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
where to begin..
i'mnot sure, and i know i dont have time to dicuss all that happened in london right now as i'm on deadline for the mtv show...
let's just say after my encounter with the hot brit, i got a UTI and was peeing blood for about 5 days, at first i had no idea waht was going on and had to google it at 2 am in cambridge b/c i thought i was going to die. then the next day i hit up a homeopathic place as a doctor would've been a waste of a day and they gave me some stuff to make me more comf. until i got home and started chowing down on anti biotics.
ok, so on my flight from dc to london, i met this girl who sat next to me named sarah.
and turns out, she is me. literally. let me start listing it off
she sleeps for 12 hours a day, so do i
she is really funny and has so much energy, so am i
she loves stephen fry, so do i
she loves harry potter, so do i
she works in tv, so do i
she wants to live in london, so do i
she has brown hair, so do i and the same lienght as mine
her name is sarah, so is mine.
she told her friends in london about me and they were like "she sounds like you."
i've never met any one who is so much like me and that inclusdes stacey who is eerily like me, this person is LITERALY ME!
we were on the same flight back to d.c. that took off then after 2 hours turned around and landed back in london where we were all put in a hotel. we hung out at the pub and drank beer and talked and she is me, i swear, we even prefer the same beer. she called me the next a.m. and we got b'fast together and headed to heathrow together but i got on a direct flight to l.a. so we had to break up.
let's just say after my encounter with the hot brit, i got a UTI and was peeing blood for about 5 days, at first i had no idea waht was going on and had to google it at 2 am in cambridge b/c i thought i was going to die. then the next day i hit up a homeopathic place as a doctor would've been a waste of a day and they gave me some stuff to make me more comf. until i got home and started chowing down on anti biotics.
ok, so on my flight from dc to london, i met this girl who sat next to me named sarah.
and turns out, she is me. literally. let me start listing it off
she sleeps for 12 hours a day, so do i
she is really funny and has so much energy, so am i
she loves stephen fry, so do i
she loves harry potter, so do i
she works in tv, so do i
she wants to live in london, so do i
she has brown hair, so do i and the same lienght as mine
her name is sarah, so is mine.
she told her friends in london about me and they were like "she sounds like you."
i've never met any one who is so much like me and that inclusdes stacey who is eerily like me, this person is LITERALY ME!
we were on the same flight back to d.c. that took off then after 2 hours turned around and landed back in london where we were all put in a hotel. we hung out at the pub and drank beer and talked and she is me, i swear, we even prefer the same beer. she called me the next a.m. and we got b'fast together and headed to heathrow together but i got on a direct flight to l.a. so we had to break up.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
making the love
so i've been in london now for almost a week i suppose. well, i think today is thurs. right? so that means tomorrow is friday and i landed on friday sio yes almost a week. anyway so much to report. i'm right now in cambridge, came here for the afternoon and got a booking at a hostel. theyr';e not for young peeps anymore. or at least this is what il ike to think. i walked around this evening and stopped ina burger place and got a free glass of wine as they moved me around tables a few times and felt bad, ah such is the life of a single person.
so on saturday ir an the gorilla run, went to the after party that night where i met sam, the hottie director of fundraising for them. we flirted and while on the dance floor he tokld me he wished he coudl show me around london but he was leaving on wed. for his best mates wedding. of course this didn't stop me from pursuing hi. he asked me out to lunch on monday but it turned into drinks as i had a few meetings and we TOTALLY made out. he's blonde and 6'4. OMG hot hot hot. i had emailed him a few times before coming to london since i diodn't want my gorilla suit shipped there. so he knew of me. the girls from teho ffice there saw me wadnering around th party alone and told me to drink with them. i was in with the group. we partied and danced to 2 am they couldn't believe i was 29!! gasp. they were 22. we then walked to SE1 a part of london, turns out nothing going ont here, but walking over the london bridge at 3 am was intteresting. we then got a cab to leister square and i had now completely confused my jeet lag body. at 430am i bailed and sam (the boy) got me a pedi cab as he didn't want a cab taking me since theyr'e all dodgy and not licensed (no black cabs to be found) so i took a pedi cab back to mty place at 430am, it was freezing, over the london bridge we went, hilarious.
sunday i met up with some friends of friends who just graduated from columbia business school, they were cool had drinks with them anc then we headed to a restuarant for dinner. I've eaten like 4 times since ive been here so i skipped the meal but drank, i've been doing A LOT OF THAT.
met up with sam monday evening and made out. told u that already. then tues i went to skaespeare globe and saw merchant of venice and wasn't a big fan, then also checked out big ben and westminster abbey. v, cool. met up with sam that night and we listened to jazz and then one thing led to another and he came home with me. please, hes 6'4 and british, it was a no brainer. he's freaking the hottest guy i've hooked up with. duh. i out did myself.
wed. we got up and got some b'fast he headed home, no idea if i'll ever see him again, but he asked me to be his facebook friend, what does that mean? hilar!
wed. i had 3 meeetings with various tv production companies, one a the shoreditch house, which is the same as the soho house but in shoreditch. london has a ton of these private clubs all around the city. i love it here. love love love.
today i met up with nicole who was in the gang i met on sunday and we went to lunch at covent gardens and then st. pauls cathedral. amazxing. headed up to cambridge where i now sit. tomoro early i'm going to norfolk to check out a market town in the coutnry and then back to london to hear RICKY FUCKING GERVAIS!!! he's doing standup and i got free tickets through one of these tv peeps i met yester!! tomorrow night i'm staying in swiss cottage, fancy and then sat. i'm meeting up with paula from la and staying at her hotel, she's here on business, i leave sunday!! so freakin sad as i have to start writing the script of my mtv show immediately upon returning to l.a.
so on saturday ir an the gorilla run, went to the after party that night where i met sam, the hottie director of fundraising for them. we flirted and while on the dance floor he tokld me he wished he coudl show me around london but he was leaving on wed. for his best mates wedding. of course this didn't stop me from pursuing hi. he asked me out to lunch on monday but it turned into drinks as i had a few meetings and we TOTALLY made out. he's blonde and 6'4. OMG hot hot hot. i had emailed him a few times before coming to london since i diodn't want my gorilla suit shipped there. so he knew of me. the girls from teho ffice there saw me wadnering around th party alone and told me to drink with them. i was in with the group. we partied and danced to 2 am they couldn't believe i was 29!! gasp. they were 22. we then walked to SE1 a part of london, turns out nothing going ont here, but walking over the london bridge at 3 am was intteresting. we then got a cab to leister square and i had now completely confused my jeet lag body. at 430am i bailed and sam (the boy) got me a pedi cab as he didn't want a cab taking me since theyr'e all dodgy and not licensed (no black cabs to be found) so i took a pedi cab back to mty place at 430am, it was freezing, over the london bridge we went, hilarious.
sunday i met up with some friends of friends who just graduated from columbia business school, they were cool had drinks with them anc then we headed to a restuarant for dinner. I've eaten like 4 times since ive been here so i skipped the meal but drank, i've been doing A LOT OF THAT.
met up with sam monday evening and made out. told u that already. then tues i went to skaespeare globe and saw merchant of venice and wasn't a big fan, then also checked out big ben and westminster abbey. v, cool. met up with sam that night and we listened to jazz and then one thing led to another and he came home with me. please, hes 6'4 and british, it was a no brainer. he's freaking the hottest guy i've hooked up with. duh. i out did myself.
wed. we got up and got some b'fast he headed home, no idea if i'll ever see him again, but he asked me to be his facebook friend, what does that mean? hilar!
wed. i had 3 meeetings with various tv production companies, one a the shoreditch house, which is the same as the soho house but in shoreditch. london has a ton of these private clubs all around the city. i love it here. love love love.
today i met up with nicole who was in the gang i met on sunday and we went to lunch at covent gardens and then st. pauls cathedral. amazxing. headed up to cambridge where i now sit. tomoro early i'm going to norfolk to check out a market town in the coutnry and then back to london to hear RICKY FUCKING GERVAIS!!! he's doing standup and i got free tickets through one of these tv peeps i met yester!! tomorrow night i'm staying in swiss cottage, fancy and then sat. i'm meeting up with paula from la and staying at her hotel, she's here on business, i leave sunday!! so freakin sad as i have to start writing the script of my mtv show immediately upon returning to l.a.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
so i made it to london. yesterday i landed and got to my pad, it's in a sweet neighborhood at the bottom of tower bridge. Great places to walk around and it's right on the river and the tower bridge at night is quite a sight. \i got a beer at this bar on the rivers edge and just sat and checked out the bridge. yesterday i walked and walked in order to not fall asleep. i didn't sleep very much on the plane even though i took 1.5 ambien.
i probably walked 8 miles to buckinham palace, hyde park, clarence house (home to the princes william and harry, hubba hubba) mayfair, camden lock, camden canals, camden town (very much like melrose, only grayer)
this morning \i did the gorilla run and it was fucking amazing. i could not stop laughing. we ran over all the bridges, ran by all the london sites, it was truly a great way to see the city. i sweat my ass off in the suit, and its sunny today, ITH'S NEVER SUNNY IN LONDON I CAME TO GET AWAY FROM THE SUN!! and its sunny. alright, i'm off to the tower of london, a medieval castle smack dab in central london!! pretty fucking cool! that's where they chopped off all the heads of people like anne bolyen, yeah, im a history nerd.
no men yet, i only had a beer last night or 3 but whos counting and crashed hard!! i was so fucking tired. anyway, off for now.
i probably walked 8 miles to buckinham palace, hyde park, clarence house (home to the princes william and harry, hubba hubba) mayfair, camden lock, camden canals, camden town (very much like melrose, only grayer)
this morning \i did the gorilla run and it was fucking amazing. i could not stop laughing. we ran over all the bridges, ran by all the london sites, it was truly a great way to see the city. i sweat my ass off in the suit, and its sunny today, ITH'S NEVER SUNNY IN LONDON I CAME TO GET AWAY FROM THE SUN!! and its sunny. alright, i'm off to the tower of london, a medieval castle smack dab in central london!! pretty fucking cool! that's where they chopped off all the heads of people like anne bolyen, yeah, im a history nerd.
no men yet, i only had a beer last night or 3 but whos counting and crashed hard!! i was so fucking tired. anyway, off for now.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
what ho! i'm headed to jolly old england tomorrow. I cannot cannot wiat! I have meetings set up, one is a tea! hilarious! One is a drinks, which of course I'll love as i need things to do in the evening.
i got a new top from banana. I got a clean white top for my meetings! so excited to leaving l.a. behind for 10 days to drink, walk around, have meethings, i'm going to watch rugby world up on sunday at a pub in kensington with my friend alan's friends. yahoo!!
I do the gorilla run on saturday, pictures to follow upon my return. I'm super excited to make out with an english lad(s), my face is waxed and plucked, my hair cut all cute and tonight before I go, I have a free ticket to see Justin Timberlake at staples and a limo to take me there!! woo fucking hoo!!!
next stop London!!! awesome! i'll fill you in on all the details this weekened about the gorilla run!!
i got a new top from banana. I got a clean white top for my meetings! so excited to leaving l.a. behind for 10 days to drink, walk around, have meethings, i'm going to watch rugby world up on sunday at a pub in kensington with my friend alan's friends. yahoo!!
I do the gorilla run on saturday, pictures to follow upon my return. I'm super excited to make out with an english lad(s), my face is waxed and plucked, my hair cut all cute and tonight before I go, I have a free ticket to see Justin Timberlake at staples and a limo to take me there!! woo fucking hoo!!!
next stop London!!! awesome! i'll fill you in on all the details this weekened about the gorilla run!!
Friday, September 14, 2007
i had a date at formosa last night. I thought it was going well, he was very cute, very me! which i was finally glad about. his emails were funny (well, mine were funnier, but still) and so it was going well, but at the end of the date i dont thinkhe liked me.
first off we split the bill. not that i expected him to pay for all of it, but it wasjust happy hour appetizers and drinks! helloooo.
then he didn't walk me to my car. in hollywood, not hte most safe neighborhood. and he's from the south so he should know better they're gentlemen for fuck sake.
also he was like "we shoudl do this again" and i didn't believe him and i'm not sure i wanted to do it again so i said "yeah definatelly" very fake enthusiatically.
but i think he may have been having fun then got a vibe off me that i wasn't having fun so then he didn't have fun. Dating is such a fucking mine field.
first off we split the bill. not that i expected him to pay for all of it, but it wasjust happy hour appetizers and drinks! helloooo.
then he didn't walk me to my car. in hollywood, not hte most safe neighborhood. and he's from the south so he should know better they're gentlemen for fuck sake.
also he was like "we shoudl do this again" and i didn't believe him and i'm not sure i wanted to do it again so i said "yeah definatelly" very fake enthusiatically.
but i think he may have been having fun then got a vibe off me that i wasn't having fun so then he didn't have fun. Dating is such a fucking mine field.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
last night i went to my really great friend from college's parent's house. she was in town for rosh hahanana and i get invited every year for dinner. I am usually horribly uncomfortable as her step dad gets drunk and touches me inapporpraitely. anyway, this year it was a big crowd and even though the SD planted himself near me during the post dinner pre dessert break, I only spoke to him a little then went into the kitchen to help. you know i am desperate to get out of a sitch if i'm HELPING!
anyway, before desert, my friend's father in law gave a toast. thanking each person present for something. this is the order of the people for the toast and i cannot believe i'm not making this up.
my friend
my friends' mother
my friend's step father
my friends aunt and uncle in law
my friends cousin in law
my friends sister's boyfriend
my friends sister
the kugel (a jewish dish)
the brisket
Friday, September 07, 2007
I know i said last month that I wouldn't be wishing myself a happy anniversary every month after my appendix was taken out but I had to today for the following reason.
two months ago today i had my appendix out, so i decided to celebrate this morning by being a perfectly attentive driver and getting hit by a driver who was drinking coffee and not paying attention, which dont' worry, i scolded him for. I said "what were you doing?" He todl me drinking his coffee so i said "Well you're driving a car so you're supposed to be paying attention, you're supposed to be focused." yeah like i think i mentioned before i've become a short fused mega bitch recently.
anyway, my bumper has so many scractches from living in west hollywood for so long, so i coudln't tell if he did any damage, but i did take his info in case my back hurts, which is now does. I took his insurance info, and i felt bad b/c his hands were shaking. I feel like i've let so many people who've hit me off the hook, why do i do that?!
i'm too nice. maybe something will work out for me one day.
two months ago today i had my appendix out, so i decided to celebrate this morning by being a perfectly attentive driver and getting hit by a driver who was drinking coffee and not paying attention, which dont' worry, i scolded him for. I said "what were you doing?" He todl me drinking his coffee so i said "Well you're driving a car so you're supposed to be paying attention, you're supposed to be focused." yeah like i think i mentioned before i've become a short fused mega bitch recently.
anyway, my bumper has so many scractches from living in west hollywood for so long, so i coudln't tell if he did any damage, but i did take his info in case my back hurts, which is now does. I took his insurance info, and i felt bad b/c his hands were shaking. I feel like i've let so many people who've hit me off the hook, why do i do that?!
i'm too nice. maybe something will work out for me one day.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
got notes from mtv on my project. From now on, we've been told that the star of the project wants to beon all the notes calls so next weeks call is going to be have to be cancelled and reschudled over and over i'm imagining. too bad I'm heading out of town on the 20th to london for a little r and r so they'll have to get it together before then. (or wait until 10/1)
didn't do anything interesting last night, went to the gym that was pretty much it. tonight i'm going to drinks at dominicks for a bday party and then tomorrow night my friend will forte's movie The Brother's Solomon is opening and a huge group of us are going to the opening night showing in westwood with the stars of the movie! (which includes will) i think we're buying out the entire theatre!!! so fun! this is the 2nd movie opening night thing i've gone to for a friend this year! when is this going to happen for me that my movie is opening. Dman, i sound so whiny!
didn't do anything interesting last night, went to the gym that was pretty much it. tonight i'm going to drinks at dominicks for a bday party and then tomorrow night my friend will forte's movie The Brother's Solomon is opening and a huge group of us are going to the opening night showing in westwood with the stars of the movie! (which includes will) i think we're buying out the entire theatre!!! so fun! this is the 2nd movie opening night thing i've gone to for a friend this year! when is this going to happen for me that my movie is opening. Dman, i sound so whiny!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
wow its wednesday, where did the week go.
the disappearing guy has i believe disappeared for good. he last texted me on friday a.m. and haven't heard since, suffice it to say i'm not optimistic that he's "the one" (i dont actually believe in the one so lucky for my)
this weekend, i went to BBQ after BBQ. I worked out, gained 3 pounds and had a visit from my good friend from high school tina who was here on business. i made her go to the four seasons spa with me for massages as I felt I both needed and deserved one. then we had cocktails at the rooftop spa and then continued drinking at Dominicks where I am every week in case you haven't been following the blog. I end up there at least once a week drinking pinot noir at the bar, it is a delight as i can walk there and its also dangerous cause i can walk there.
but i had fun with tina, it's fun to see friends who've known you forever and there's not pretenses or bullshit.
the disappearing guy has i believe disappeared for good. he last texted me on friday a.m. and haven't heard since, suffice it to say i'm not optimistic that he's "the one" (i dont actually believe in the one so lucky for my)
this weekend, i went to BBQ after BBQ. I worked out, gained 3 pounds and had a visit from my good friend from high school tina who was here on business. i made her go to the four seasons spa with me for massages as I felt I both needed and deserved one. then we had cocktails at the rooftop spa and then continued drinking at Dominicks where I am every week in case you haven't been following the blog. I end up there at least once a week drinking pinot noir at the bar, it is a delight as i can walk there and its also dangerous cause i can walk there.
but i had fun with tina, it's fun to see friends who've known you forever and there's not pretenses or bullshit.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
I died during my appendicitis.
And instead of going to heaven, I've been sent to hell.
which looks an awful lot like Los Angeles and doesn't say much about my friends who can still see me...
And instead of going to heaven, I've been sent to hell.
which looks an awful lot like Los Angeles and doesn't say much about my friends who can still see me...
i got on the scale this morning scared of what i was going to see as i have been eating a lot these past few days and low and behold I am 157 which is the exact weight i was when i first weighed myself after my surgery.
i know it may sound like a lot and for most people it would be, but its' not for me cause i guess i have a lot of muscle, i dont know. Anyway, before my surgery i was 165, so i'm glad this weight has stayed off, through much work i have to be honest, working out, eating very little and writing down all the calories... oh yes, i'm insane!
i know it may sound like a lot and for most people it would be, but its' not for me cause i guess i have a lot of muscle, i dont know. Anyway, before my surgery i was 165, so i'm glad this weight has stayed off, through much work i have to be honest, working out, eating very little and writing down all the calories... oh yes, i'm insane!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
in case you're wondering what it's like to be me...
this is a very accurate way of putting yourself in my shoes!
this is how i feel every day of my life even if i dont act it... this is why Amy calls me JOB (the guy from the bible that had all the bad luck)

i am charlie brown and God (if he actually exists which i'm not so sure he does) is Lucy... he always makes it seem like he's going to FINALLY allow me to kick the ball... and then.... well you know the rest.
it's a sad day when you think the best thing to happen to you this year was a surprise $90,000 surgery....
this is how i feel every day of my life even if i dont act it... this is why Amy calls me JOB (the guy from the bible that had all the bad luck)
i am charlie brown and God (if he actually exists which i'm not so sure he does) is Lucy... he always makes it seem like he's going to FINALLY allow me to kick the ball... and then.... well you know the rest.
it's a sad day when you think the best thing to happen to you this year was a surprise $90,000 surgery....
i have been rejected at every network! woo hoo.
the producer loves this pitch so much she wants to take it to some cable places. grrrr. i currently hate the pitch and i dont want to do it anywhere at this point.
i'm so sick of things not working out for me. Like the pitch or the disappearing boy who has... disappeared again. or just read through my blog and youll see nothing ever works out for me...
how much more can i take?! serioulsy
p.s. i know i dont have it as bad as 90% of this world, so please dont email me platitudes like 'everything happens for a reason"
the producer loves this pitch so much she wants to take it to some cable places. grrrr. i currently hate the pitch and i dont want to do it anywhere at this point.
i'm so sick of things not working out for me. Like the pitch or the disappearing boy who has... disappeared again. or just read through my blog and youll see nothing ever works out for me...
how much more can i take?! serioulsy
p.s. i know i dont have it as bad as 90% of this world, so please dont email me platitudes like 'everything happens for a reason"
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
two networks passed on my pitch. the 2 i didn't think would wnat it anyway, so it's no surprise.
i went out with disppaearing boy last week and had a great time, then he texted me all sunday afternoon, but didn't ask me out?!?! remi says I'm prob. in the mix of women he's dating. FUCK MEN!
i'm working right now furiously on my MTV project... i have something that is due today, but i'm not sure i'll have it done before my pitch at the final network this afternoon. i'll prob. have to come back to the guild after my pitch and finish it up (or finish it from my office at home i suppose) I'm stressed about it as there are 7 exec. producers on the project and they're not all going ot get on board with the entire thing i'm sending them...
i'm so tired from working so hard, i've been on the go for weeks. hopefully after my movie pitch on friday (that i need to write wed and thurs) i can get a massage or go to bed for the weekend!!!
i went out with disppaearing boy last week and had a great time, then he texted me all sunday afternoon, but didn't ask me out?!?! remi says I'm prob. in the mix of women he's dating. FUCK MEN!
i'm working right now furiously on my MTV project... i have something that is due today, but i'm not sure i'll have it done before my pitch at the final network this afternoon. i'll prob. have to come back to the guild after my pitch and finish it up (or finish it from my office at home i suppose) I'm stressed about it as there are 7 exec. producers on the project and they're not all going ot get on board with the entire thing i'm sending them...
i'm so tired from working so hard, i've been on the go for weeks. hopefully after my movie pitch on friday (that i need to write wed and thurs) i can get a massage or go to bed for the weekend!!!
Monday, August 27, 2007
so last night i had to go to a party for my friends baby and I drove Kristin and on the way there she told me about how... ok, i'm going to start from the beginning..
there's a super cute guy who works at the lounge, i'd even go as far to say he was hot.
so one day we found ourselves in the elevator together and i totally flirted with him and this is when i was living with kristin and i wen tohome and told her... well she started using the lounge and guesss who i saw her flirthing with?!@!?! so then yesterday i guess she ran into him at kings road, he was with another friend of ours, and then she was crossing the streeet and was halmost hit by a car and GUESS WHO WAS DDRIVING IT!!! so she is obsessed with "meet cute" stories, that's why she never tells anyone if she's dating a guy she met online, but it's not a meet cute story and she likes a good story, so the fact that she almost got hit by him, she thinks this is a sign... come to find out he expressed interest in her to their mutual friend and so i think they're going out and kristin decides to tell me this while lost in bumble fuck LA trying to find this party last night... so yeah, she stole my BF!!! i cannot believe her "and shekeeps saying stuff like "well if you dont want me to go out with him I wont," but really can i say "ok" cause she'd probl go out with him anyway.
I'm not sure about this, but now i kinda suspect that she came to the writers guild only after i said there was a hot writer there....
there's a super cute guy who works at the lounge, i'd even go as far to say he was hot.
so one day we found ourselves in the elevator together and i totally flirted with him and this is when i was living with kristin and i wen tohome and told her... well she started using the lounge and guesss who i saw her flirthing with?!@!?! so then yesterday i guess she ran into him at kings road, he was with another friend of ours, and then she was crossing the streeet and was halmost hit by a car and GUESS WHO WAS DDRIVING IT!!! so she is obsessed with "meet cute" stories, that's why she never tells anyone if she's dating a guy she met online, but it's not a meet cute story and she likes a good story, so the fact that she almost got hit by him, she thinks this is a sign... come to find out he expressed interest in her to their mutual friend and so i think they're going out and kristin decides to tell me this while lost in bumble fuck LA trying to find this party last night... so yeah, she stole my BF!!! i cannot believe her "and shekeeps saying stuff like "well if you dont want me to go out with him I wont," but really can i say "ok" cause she'd probl go out with him anyway.
I'm not sure about this, but now i kinda suspect that she came to the writers guild only after i said there was a hot writer there....
Sunday, August 26, 2007

Yesterday I had to write but it was good cause i got a lot of work done. I met kristin at insomnia and she wrote as well. I should also write today but i'm not sure i'm going to be able to.
last night i went to the party thrown by one of the cast members of bones. I was psyched to go cuase he's super cute, but when off the set he does something with his hair that makes him look kinda gay. anyway,it was a huge freakin party and i ran into other people i knew there as well. great music oh and in the middle of the party aroujnd 1am they started serving BITE SIZED GRILLED CHEESE SANDWHICHES!! it was GENIUS! they would put them on the trays and wouldn't even get in the back yard before the tray would be empty, people were FREAKING out over them. naturally today i feel totally sick as i had about 12 of them: oh they are so small i said to myself... not if u have 12, they pretty much amount to 4 sandwiches!!!
oh and johnny sweep the leg from the karate kid was at the party, i know him through the old roomate.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
so yesterday I spent the day pitching to 3 networks my sitcom pilot. It was so intense, you go into these room with these execs and put on a little play for 20 mins. and ih ad to do that 3 times yesterday and then i went out and got drunk. I had remi and carrie over for wine and then they went to a dinner party and I drank a little by myself and then walked to dominikcs to meet up with kristin where i proceeded to drink a lot more and wanted to go home with the guy sitting next to me which turned out to be a director from my favorite show!!! it was coool cause my friend came by to say hi to me and she's a tv director so i think i might have gotten her at least a meeting to direct my fave show.... and then i could meet my tv boyfriend, again!!!
anyway, pitching is so hard for the soul as the studio i work with loooooved my pitch and so when i went in to pitch it it's hard b/c these people dont laugh or sometimes they yawn and when that happens i start hating on myself something fierce and start an inner dialogue WHILE also pitching on the outside!

on thurs I was walking past that restaurant across from Toast and saw natalie maines from the dixie chicks, love her! did u ever see their documentary? it rocks, she rocks.
anyway, pitching is so hard for the soul as the studio i work with loooooved my pitch and so when i went in to pitch it it's hard b/c these people dont laugh or sometimes they yawn and when that happens i start hating on myself something fierce and start an inner dialogue WHILE also pitching on the outside!
on thurs I was walking past that restaurant across from Toast and saw natalie maines from the dixie chicks, love her! did u ever see their documentary? it rocks, she rocks.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
so today i had to get up early to go to the LA parking permits office to get a permit for my new apt. I did this a month ago, but they wouldn't give me my new permit to park there b/c my car wasn't registered to that address. Apparently when i last regsitered my car i was supposed to be able to predict the future of my new address and put it down.
so i had to go to burbank to AAA to get a new registrattion, it only cost 20 bucks, i can see why too as they took 3 seconds to punch in my new address and hit print. Then u have to pay for the parking permits, you basically have to pay to live in your neighborhood. wahts' the point of paying for these things. i understand having permits for those who prove they live htere, but 30 bucks it lame, THEN i had to get 2 visitor permits, now sure no one visits me, but just in case! Also maybe eventualy i'll get a BF. oh and these visitor permits at 15 bucks each and are only good for 4 months!
anyway, on my drive home i was at the corner of doheny and 3rd when a grey new range rover made a left onto doheny in front of me. I thought huh, that guys looks like an older keifer sutherland, and as he drove by me i was like THAT IS KEIFER SUTHERLAND smoking a cigartette at 9:30am!!! he's v. cute even when lookign old.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
a hangover
i have a hangover, and feeling nauseas (sp??) which is unfortunate as I am leaving the WGA to go pitch to SONY my pilot... grr. whatevs, this is a practice pitch that doens't count, but it leads me to believe something i suspected... i'm TOTAL FUCKING LIGHTWEIGHT NOW!!!
I SAW DAVE ANNABELLE FROM BROTHERS AND SISTERS AT THE GROVE YESTERDAY. he's ridic hot!@!!!!!!! omg omg omg omg! love him!!!!
this is a queer pic of him i foudn, he looks so much better in person!!
today i have to head to some hotel in burbank where i'm pitching my show to sony for a pre pitch (i pitch to all the major networks on friday!!! excpet ABC which is next tues.) i guess they're too busy to go back to the studio so it's going to be weird... like my life!!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
i have a po box b/c i moved out of one place 6 weeks before i could move into my new place. so i needed a place to forward my mail. i go there like every three days or so, and this morning i swung by and my box was packed! i had this thick envelope from the writers guild taht was a residual envelope, meaning checks were inside and from the looks of it A LOT OF CHECKS!!!!
so i tear open the envelope and indeed a ton of checks seven of them!!!! woo hoo i thought to myself until i saw how much they were for: SEVEN BUCKS EACH!!!!!!!
a whopping 49 bucks. hey i is not complaining, because i got my cell phone bill and that was for like over 50 bucks so that worked out nicely.
ran 2 miles last night at the gym, i'm building back up to my former self!!
so i tear open the envelope and indeed a ton of checks seven of them!!!! woo hoo i thought to myself until i saw how much they were for: SEVEN BUCKS EACH!!!!!!!
a whopping 49 bucks. hey i is not complaining, because i got my cell phone bill and that was for like over 50 bucks so that worked out nicely.
ran 2 miles last night at the gym, i'm building back up to my former self!!
Monday, August 20, 2007
i've realized today that I think I"m immature that's why i'm not in a relationship and dress like a college co-ed.
It's not like a like fart sounds, but I would never turn down a build your own sundae bar, in fact I fancy them more than I do cocktail parties.
went to this place called americas cup last night wehre you serve yoruself fro yo, then put on as many toppings as you like and then they weigh it and charge you. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED THIS PLACE! I told my cousin I was coming back every day (problem: its like an hour south of me) but see i'm immature. what grown up delights in such things?
It's not like a like fart sounds, but I would never turn down a build your own sundae bar, in fact I fancy them more than I do cocktail parties.
went to this place called americas cup last night wehre you serve yoruself fro yo, then put on as many toppings as you like and then they weigh it and charge you. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED THIS PLACE! I told my cousin I was coming back every day (problem: its like an hour south of me) but see i'm immature. what grown up delights in such things?
as most of u know, i work at the writers guild lounge every day (week days)
today they posted a sign that the loungue is closing for negotiations of the contract and could be closed for like a year!!! this is the only place where i can write from and it's a great resource and it's a place where i have a little contact with others!
so i got on the phone and i'm currently leading a revolt, even got a petition. I guess I'm a leader. Now we can't keep this place but i'm aksing for an alternative!!! or a compromise!!!
today they posted a sign that the loungue is closing for negotiations of the contract and could be closed for like a year!!! this is the only place where i can write from and it's a great resource and it's a place where i have a little contact with others!
so i got on the phone and i'm currently leading a revolt, even got a petition. I guess I'm a leader. Now we can't keep this place but i'm aksing for an alternative!!! or a compromise!!!
monday monday
sooo yesterday i ate like a pig and didn't go to the gym.
hey did i tell u i saw brekkin myers at toast the other morning... WITH A BABY?!?! when did that guy have a baby?! v. confused. also saw sarah silverman's SISTER at my ghetto prison gym... celebs: they're just like you and me, they're cheap!
went to the O.C. yesterday to help my cousin decorate her "hall" she's an R.A. at her Christian College. Her mom (my first cousin) was down from seattle so I drove down and we decorated the hall her theme is "rockstar" and then we went to the other floors and saw what they were doing and then made fun of them (very Christian of us!)
sat. night I went to this comedy show where one of the guys from Bones was hosting, went with a friend of mine who directs that show and then got invited to another cast members big party next weekend, so psyched.
learned that my ex-BF from like 2 years ago "has let himself go and has gotten really fat." what 27 year old guy can get fat? huh? why is it good to hear these things.
big week this week pitching to 3 networks, have my MTV bible due and need to finsih my movie pitch. Waiting for a call from a friend of the girl who the MTV show is about to tell me all about her and what she's REALLY like, swear!
hey did i tell u i saw brekkin myers at toast the other morning... WITH A BABY?!?! when did that guy have a baby?! v. confused. also saw sarah silverman's SISTER at my ghetto prison gym... celebs: they're just like you and me, they're cheap!
went to the O.C. yesterday to help my cousin decorate her "hall" she's an R.A. at her Christian College. Her mom (my first cousin) was down from seattle so I drove down and we decorated the hall her theme is "rockstar" and then we went to the other floors and saw what they were doing and then made fun of them (very Christian of us!)
sat. night I went to this comedy show where one of the guys from Bones was hosting, went with a friend of mine who directs that show and then got invited to another cast members big party next weekend, so psyched.
learned that my ex-BF from like 2 years ago "has let himself go and has gotten really fat." what 27 year old guy can get fat? huh? why is it good to hear these things.
big week this week pitching to 3 networks, have my MTV bible due and need to finsih my movie pitch. Waiting for a call from a friend of the girl who the MTV show is about to tell me all about her and what she's REALLY like, swear!
Friday, August 17, 2007
so i'm a little hungover from my date which is surprising as i only had 3 beers and yesterday i drank 1 gallon of water! huh, weird.
anyway, we went to 3rd stop, sat out side, he was late (he said he had to help a girl in his building who ran out of gas in the parking lot) not sure i believe the "i am late becaue i helped a damsel in distress" story cause this is LA and people like to tell stories. i also say this because he called me at 8:23 to say he was going to be 10 mins late, IF he in fact did come across a girl who had no gas in her car at 8:23 i imagine he woudl assume he's going ot be more than 20 mins late, THEN if he came across her at 810pm he would've called then and said hey i'm going to be 10 mins late. sooo you see, i've dealt with late people before, i used to be a late person and it's annoying for those who aren't late (now I realize I have been late just as recently as tues night meeting Remi (10 mins late) but the hollywood bowl had a show how was i to know...
anyway, i know i'm being too picky and i got an email from him saying he had a good time so i'll prob. go out with him again! hopefully in the meantime (since I have network pitches next week and can't go out seeing as 3 beers ruins me) i hope disappearing act guy calls.
anyway, we went to 3rd stop, sat out side, he was late (he said he had to help a girl in his building who ran out of gas in the parking lot) not sure i believe the "i am late becaue i helped a damsel in distress" story cause this is LA and people like to tell stories. i also say this because he called me at 8:23 to say he was going to be 10 mins late, IF he in fact did come across a girl who had no gas in her car at 8:23 i imagine he woudl assume he's going ot be more than 20 mins late, THEN if he came across her at 810pm he would've called then and said hey i'm going to be 10 mins late. sooo you see, i've dealt with late people before, i used to be a late person and it's annoying for those who aren't late (now I realize I have been late just as recently as tues night meeting Remi (10 mins late) but the hollywood bowl had a show how was i to know...
anyway, i know i'm being too picky and i got an email from him saying he had a good time so i'll prob. go out with him again! hopefully in the meantime (since I have network pitches next week and can't go out seeing as 3 beers ruins me) i hope disappearing act guy calls.
just got back from my date... i think it went well, i think he liked me, i mean i'm not sure i liked him, he's v. v. v. v. nice, but i'm not sure if I liked him enough. Grrr, i wish it was easier.
oh and he drove me home and in the car shook my hand as i got out but i think he was about to maybe pull me in closer for a kiss (this is PURE SPECULATION) but i hit the eject button and it's weird... i dont htink i wanted to kiss him. GRRRRR i hate dating!!!
oh and he drove me home and in the car shook my hand as i got out but i think he was about to maybe pull me in closer for a kiss (this is PURE SPECULATION) but i hit the eject button and it's weird... i dont htink i wanted to kiss him. GRRRRR i hate dating!!!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
here's how this is going to end
I just read this on CNN. it's a story about a giuy who killed his wife cause her medical expenses were so high.this is how i will die eventually
why do i feel like this is going to happen to me! I was online at bank of america and over the next 8 months (i have set up my own payment plan to all my doctors) approx: $2500 is going out of the account to pay for all my medical probs. this year. OY!
cedars keeps calling saying "um, you only sent a check for $70..." I guess they want me to put the entire balance on my credit cards, but they can suck it cause they're lucking they're getting $70 a month in the first place! but they're like "i'm trying to help you and i dont understand what you mean by a payment plan" and I'm like "it's whats more conventinet for me!" and then i hang up.
anwyway, i'm supposed to have a date tonight with this guy... we'll call him teddie. it's a sort of set up and i've actully met him before so we'll see. I haven't heard from him today so who knows.
i'm going to email the disappearing act guy back today. let's see what happens...
why do i feel like this is going to happen to me! I was online at bank of america and over the next 8 months (i have set up my own payment plan to all my doctors) approx: $2500 is going out of the account to pay for all my medical probs. this year. OY!
cedars keeps calling saying "um, you only sent a check for $70..." I guess they want me to put the entire balance on my credit cards, but they can suck it cause they're lucking they're getting $70 a month in the first place! but they're like "i'm trying to help you and i dont understand what you mean by a payment plan" and I'm like "it's whats more conventinet for me!" and then i hang up.
anwyway, i'm supposed to have a date tonight with this guy... we'll call him teddie. it's a sort of set up and i've actully met him before so we'll see. I haven't heard from him today so who knows.
i'm going to email the disappearing act guy back today. let's see what happens...
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
could you run 7KM dressed as a gorilla?
well, i will be finding out if i can on september 22 in london!! i just bought a ticket, i said fuck it, i need a vacay, and if people need to meet with me the 6 business days i'm gone, they can suck it and i'll just say i'm gong to london on business. Which won't be a lie as i'm going to set up meetings over there with productoin companies b/c they love american tv writers there! woo hoo! so i'm psyched!!!!!! because this time next year maybe i'll be moving there to write tv shows for hte BBC!! YOU NEVER KNOW!! the great gorilla run
anyway, i'm doing this run to raise money for gorillas (please donate 20 bucks when I ask) and 1000 people do it and are dressed in gorilla costumes you get for the price of admission! I'M SO PSYCHED!! it's going to be a great way to meet people b/c afterwards they have a big drink up and i'm going to meet and kiss many english lads who will be enamored by me and my sense of adventure!!!
anyway, i'm doing this run to raise money for gorillas (please donate 20 bucks when I ask) and 1000 people do it and are dressed in gorilla costumes you get for the price of admission! I'M SO PSYCHED!! it's going to be a great way to meet people b/c afterwards they have a big drink up and i'm going to meet and kiss many english lads who will be enamored by me and my sense of adventure!!!
Monday, August 13, 2007
parental trip
went to catalina on friday morn with my parents. I do not like beach destinations, mostly because I live in LA and it's sunny and 75 ALL YEAR so going to the beach is like being here... that being said, i agreed to go to this island as my parents really wanted to. at the beach, i sat dumbfounded trying to understand this culture of people who like to just sit and sit and sit in the sun. I am irish for one and cannot tolerate the sun even with SPF 45 being applied every hour. I also find it soo freakin' boring. i just cant sit and do nothing. I literally watched these peopel who seemed like they were having fun, sure they were drinking and i wasn't but still what is fun about the bbeach? it's a complete and total mystery to me COMPLETE AND TOTAL MYSTERY AMIGOS!!
my mom and i rented a tandem kayak and kayaked for about an hour on saturday around the boats and into the different coves, that was fun. whenever my friend amy and i go to a destination, we always end up kayaking and then we realize we hate kayaking, this happens every time we go away. we forget how much we hate kayaking each and every time. but i had to do something other than just sit on the beach again. it was fun looking at the boat names.
oh and the entire trip my parents wer elike He's cute, talk to him, the captain of the boat is cute (not cute BTW and like 20), my dad picked out this really tan guy wearing a sleeveless shirt on the beach, i told him he was too tan, my dad said i'm too picky, i said "him being so tan indicates to me that he likes to go to the beach, A LOT! and i do not AT ALL so we dont have common interests. If I saw a guy on a motorcycle i'd think the same thing about him, he engages in high risk behavior that I do no like."
i also asked my parents if they thought I should become a nun. I am clearly trying to figure out what i'm doing with my life, like everyoen i know, but i finally had some clarity that I should become a nun to which my mother said " you woudln't make a very good nun!!!!!" i was like clarify "you would be great at anything you'd do, but you'd be bored as a nun and also they tel you what to do and when to do it and you dont like that" my dad told me they'd make me clean toilets... that was enough to get me off that dream....
my mom and i rented a tandem kayak and kayaked for about an hour on saturday around the boats and into the different coves, that was fun. whenever my friend amy and i go to a destination, we always end up kayaking and then we realize we hate kayaking, this happens every time we go away. we forget how much we hate kayaking each and every time. but i had to do something other than just sit on the beach again. it was fun looking at the boat names.
oh and the entire trip my parents wer elike He's cute, talk to him, the captain of the boat is cute (not cute BTW and like 20), my dad picked out this really tan guy wearing a sleeveless shirt on the beach, i told him he was too tan, my dad said i'm too picky, i said "him being so tan indicates to me that he likes to go to the beach, A LOT! and i do not AT ALL so we dont have common interests. If I saw a guy on a motorcycle i'd think the same thing about him, he engages in high risk behavior that I do no like."
i also asked my parents if they thought I should become a nun. I am clearly trying to figure out what i'm doing with my life, like everyoen i know, but i finally had some clarity that I should become a nun to which my mother said " you woudln't make a very good nun!!!!!" i was like clarify "you would be great at anything you'd do, but you'd be bored as a nun and also they tel you what to do and when to do it and you dont like that" my dad told me they'd make me clean toilets... that was enough to get me off that dream....
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