Tuesday, June 05, 2007

so excited cause tonight i'm going to see a screening of oceans 13. I didn't love oceans 12 b/c it was like brad pitt and george clooney self flaggelation fest on the screen, but there is so much pretty in this movie i hope i enjoy it.

so relieved i moved out of brunos, wish i did it months ago, what was i thinking? love living with kristin and her guest bed is so comf!

now i still need a job and am worried about my sanity taking a nose dive like it did last year. i still have no idea what i am doing with my life, but i ask you this, do any of us have that answer?

1 comment:

princess said...

why dont you base a show on how psycho he was? i cant believe you named him. you know he trolls the net all day. lol