Tuesday, February 27, 2007

end of february resolution update: I had a drag of my friend's cigarette at the casino night birthday party last weekend. but only a drag. one drag in 8 weeks, impressive wouldn't you say.

I think I've gained a pound back, but it might be muscle as I've been lifting weights pretty consistently. I also worked out 4 days in a row!! I think i'll take today off, but might just do weights at my house while watching american idol.
so last wed. night i went out with Kevin from ehar. so he's totally cute,
but he's an actor and ALLL
HE TALKED ABOUT was the entertainment busines.. Like I
even tried to switch topics but he some how was able
to worm his way out of those conversations and get
back into one about ENTERTAINMENT! don't get me wrong
i love the biz, but really, 2.5 hours of talking about
his involvoement in the entertainment industry!?! I'd literally be like let's talk about AIDS babies in AFrica and he'd be like speaking of babies from Africa, what do you think about Brangelina.

also i dont know how many times he said the following
when talking about someone more successful than he is
that he may or may not know "don't get me wrong I dont
begrudge them any of their sucess..." LIKE 8

anyway, i'm so desperate, i'm going out with him again next week.

Also i gave up sweets for lent which started last week and I'm totally dying! i want candy so bad!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

yesterday i had lunch with Trae, my friend from that 70s show. I adore him. We had lunch at toast where I saw Karen who was a writer on what i like about you with me first season. She is such a fucking cunt whore bitch... i mean, whatever. I hate her and her 80s hairstyle and wardrobe. I wonder if she saw me, i was sitting 4 tables away. She's the one who make my life a living hell on that show, she also took my former writing partner aside and told her that if my writing partner wanted to dump me and make more money, she'd hire her back the next year and not me. this has been confirmed by more than one source who was present during negotiations. suffice it to say I hate her. Well, i hate everyone who was even closely affiliated with that show and whenever I see even a PA from that show out and about, I pretend I don't see them. Mature huh?

Last night I hit the premiere party for The astronaut farmer, a new warner bros movie with billy bob. it was at a really awesome fucking place called boulevard 3 in hollywood, Had a nice glass of wine and some brownie pudding to kick off my no sweets for Lent campaign which started today, Ash Wednesday. I have a date with eharmony kevin tonight and another one with steve from eharmony tomorrow!!!!! BIG NIGHTS FOR ME!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I talked on the phone last night with...... Kevin from eharmony, within the first 30 secs of the call he told me about this commericial he was in that is now airing. then when i told him what show i last worked on he told me he knew a guy i used to work with and then rattled of all the famous people he knew. Dont name drop to me, seriously, i've been in this business for 10 years, people who live in LA all know famous people, I AM NO IMPRESSED. we see them every day, every where we go, I was walking across the street the other week and My lover hugh laurie was at the stop light. I mean every where we see famous people so REALLY DON'T TRY TO IMPRESS ME WITH THOSE DETAILS.

don't get me wrong i love to gossip about celbs and make fun of them, but i am more likely to be impressed by someone who can do the sunday NY times crossword than can say "cherly hines is one of my contemporaries.."

Monday, February 19, 2007

skin coach

i've got a great skin coach out here in LA. okay, it's a facialist, but isn't it such an LA thing to call her a skin coach? Anyway, I've had 3 facials from her and i'm loving my skin these days! It looks so healthy and it glows. which is good as I have 2 dates this week. one wed night and one thurs (it was supposed to be monday night but got moved)

had a great weekend, won an ipod shuffle at a casino nigth party, will tell u more later. gotta eat.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


nothing to see here. went to go see Wicked last night it was awesome. I had seen the original cast in NY so that's pretty hard to be but it was nevertheless a great way to spend valentines day with a group of girls seing a rocking show.

tonight I'm going to see music and lyrics with my friend carrie. next week i'm super excited cause I have 2 eharmony dates lined up, so hopefully soemthing with come from that! I could use a little action!!! Also my friend Jamie who i grew up with is coming to visit next weekend so there's a bunch of stuff to look forward to. I'm trying to remain positive after having heards about "the secret" on oprah, yes, i do and say whatever Oprah tells me to, okay, i'm not ashamed.

also check out starbucks.com., they're giving away free t-shirts with the specifis of your fave starbucks drink on it, you pick the specifics like if you like soy milk and 2 shots, etc. the giveaway is limited so at 10am PST every day you can go and design your own, TOTALLY FREEEEE!! and they send it to you totally free! my friend got one and says it's super cute

Monday, February 12, 2007

tid bit

interesting tid bit: the letters on my laptop keyboard that have the most wear and tear are as follows: N, S, E

L also comes in a 4th.

last week

last week I went on a retreat to palm spring with the writers of a TV show. It was like bootcamp, I was baasically trying out to be on the writing staff. I don't want to go into very many details about which show, etc until i find out if I got the job or not, but it was so intense. I know you prob. think wow, palm springs, stayig in fancy resorts, rough life, but let me tell you, it was. You're with these peopel 24-7 for every meal and they're watchign you the entire time, trying to figure out if they like you. You're working with them all day and then going out for fancy meal and bottles of wine all night, and then up again working the next morning early. I came home friday and went to bed at 730pm, fell asleep at 930 and slept until 1030am. yeah, i was fucking beat! I will give more details at a later date! I'm stil recovering from the stress of it all.

Monday, February 05, 2007

aw yeah, the beavers dominated during super kickball 2007!!!! Every year my friends have a kickball tourney the day before the superbowl and i've never gone, but this year i represented and was selected to be on the beavers, who have won the past 4 years. We literally got picked like elementary school gym class style. We crushed the punishers and then went for a big drink up later. It was hilariosuly fun!

Sunday was superbowl sunday obviosuly, and once again i was in a rock paper scissors tourney, i was the champ last year, but this year I got knocked out in the first round, bull shit!! I ate way too much food even though I was on the couch in the fetal position during half time in pain from how much I ate, I still managed to eat more cake and cup cakes when they were put out in the 2nd half. I have no self control!!

Friday, February 02, 2007

update on my news years resolutions: I haven't smoked since new years eve and I've lost 4 pounds (using the weight I was 2 days before new years eve

groundhog day

I didn't see my shadow today so I'm not sure if that means 6 more weeks of winter or not seeing as we don't have winter here it makes no difference to me.

excited for this weekend. first off I lost .8 pounds this week, so that's good and now going out i'll feel more confident and comforatble in my clothes (i lost 1 pound last week, so we're moving right along)

going to hear my friend's band play tonight, then have a kickball tournament tomorrow and then the superbowl on sunday where we have the annual rock, paper scissors tournament and I'm the champ from last year, I'll let you know how I do!

yesterday I wrote a little for my ivillage blog and hung out at the writers guild. I just foudn out my friend greg and his writing partner, in teh past month have written a movie and a pilot, now I feel stressed out that I'm not getting anything accomplished, but that all changes today!!! or tomorow, or when i get around to it..

Thursday, February 01, 2007

ah february, only 3 more months until staffing season. Well, it pretty much starts next month, but the showrunner meeetings with people who can actually hire me on their shows are in full swing in may. it's been a long long long 9 months. I hope I get staffed this year, I dont think I can just sit around for another year waiting to get a job.. that's when plan b goes into effect yo.

yesterday I hit the writers guild to do a re-write on an article for fandango. I write one every 2 months or so for them. It's a movie tickets website and my friend scored me the gig. I love my friends who score me gigs! then i had dinner with amy and we watched friday night lights. I freakin love that show.

when i came home my mail had been placed in front of my bedroom door. I'm not sure why my female roomie insists on putting my mail in front of my door, meanwhle her and her fiancee's mail can sit of the fucking table until thanksgiving. So today I wrote an email to the both of them saying "hey how about we leave my mail alone much like how if i bring in your mail, i don't fucking touch it, asses!" not those words exactly. but the guy i live with immidiately wrote me an email back saying "i didn't do it," God he's such a fucking child, like that stupid cartoon family circus where there's a ghost who's called not me or i didnt do it or some shit. I don't care if you did or didn't do it, just make sure it doesn't happen again.