Friday, January 14, 2011

The Fighter

WEnt to see the Fighter last night with this guy I work with. BTW, my boyfriend moved back to NYC for this great great job and I'm stuck in LA for school... anyway, we're back to being long distance, which is fine, but what sucks is that i spent every day with him for over a year soooo, all my friends either got used to me not going out as much OR they went and got themselves knocked up and had a baby so they can't go out as much. It's mostly the latter of the two... anyway, so when this guy asked me to the movies last night, well, to the Writers Guild screening I had nothing else planned (and had already finsihed my accounting homework and econ assignement earlier in the week) so we went.

Anyway, i will get to the point, GO SEE THE FIGHTER! Not only will you think Christian Bale is so amazingly talented, you will also appreciate all over again the impression Andy Samberg did of Mark Whalberg on SNL, it reminds you how dead on it was.

Okay back to work!! It's friday which is usually like "yay, i'm done for the week!" But then i remember I have to spend 7 hours at UCLA tomorrow going to business school. Sigh!

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